09/10/2024, 21:38, Vienna  DEUTSCH / ENGLISH

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Yasemin (Part II)

Author: Hale Usak


Femininity - motherhood - imparting

The motherliness and femininity as relations between mother / maternal caregivers, daughters, sisters and wives are carefully depicted in the film. The still very young-looking mother of Yasemin, who has two other girls and a boy - the youngest child who evokes associations with the long-awaited son - is very asexual and fraught with the woman´s weak role as the stereotypical traditional Turkish woman. "You´re a woman, haven’t you understood yet?" (13 mins., 6 sec.), she asks Yasemin referring to the paternal prohibitions, defining Yasemin as her ilk, limiting her liveliness. At the same time she limits her even more by caressing Yasemin like a little baby ("Amanda Anasının Kuzusu!", "Oh, you mother´s lamb!" (13 min 15 sec.)....

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