02/16/2025, 21:49, Vienna  DEUTSCH / ENGLISH

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THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST is always looking forward to receiving unsolicited applications.
Please contact us: office@theviennapsychoanalyst.at

We will promote new career opportunities in our forum 24 hours prior to their official publication in this section.

February 21, 2018
We are looking for a lead editor for our international online magazine. Applications please to office@theviennapsychoanalyst.at

February 21, 2018
We are looking for a sales manager for our international online magazine. Applications please to office@theviennapsychoanalyst.at

February 21, 2018
You like to read and to discuss psychoanalytic literature and from now on you want to do so exclusively for our international readers? Then join us as one of our new reviewers.
If you are seriously interested to publish book reviews regularly with us, then please contact us at office@theviennapsychoanalyst.at and tell us, what your motivations and your psychoanalytic qualifications are!
We are looking forward to hear from you!

February 21, 2018
You love psychoanalysis enjoy writing, have an alert mind and strong words?
Then join us!
Become one of our international critics for "Psychoanalytic events"!
Give our readers an idea of what is going on in the world of Psychoanalysis!
If you are seriously interested to be part of our FEUILLETON, please contact us at office@theviennapsychoanalyst.at and tell us, what your motivations and what your psychoanalytic qualifications are!
We are looking forward to hear from you.

Ab Juni/Juli
Interessiert an einem Praktikum bei uns? Es gibt viel zu tun ;-)
Schick uns einfach Deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung bitte an office@derwienerpsychoanalytiker.at

December, 2017
You like to write, are communicative and quick-witted in German and/or English. Are particularly interested in psychoanalysis and all its facets, love our leading articles and our community? Then become one of our moderators. We are looking for moderators, which moderate with care and enthusiasm our fortnightly-published leading article and thus the opened comment section. That means welcome our authors, and respond to all posts.

If you have interest, please send us an e-mail to:

Sigmund Freud Museum SFU Belvedere 21er haus stuhleck kunsthalle
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