01/23/2025, 07:59, Vienna  DEUTSCH / ENGLISH

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Leading articles

THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST wants to give not only already internationally established psychoanalysts, but also still unknown psychoanalysts the opportunity to post a self-written and not yet published article on the FrontPage of our online magazine!

Our Users then can leave comments, ask questions or discuss the articles in our forum. Our aim is to provide an international platform where for the first time anyone interested in psychoanalysis can exchange ideas on certain topics.
Articles are welcome in German and/ or English.

If you are interested, please send your article to

(For reasons of readability, the male form is used with personal names, however the female form is also always intended.)


«Do your smuggling job,
the one you have always done,
and that was more than you believed
as the job of listening and answering .. ". (Baudouin, 1964)

1. Introduction

To conceive the complementarity of the Freudian agencies (Es, Ego and Super-ego) with the Jungian agencies (Persona, Shadow and Self) ...

«Fais ton métier de passeur, celui que tu as
toujours fait, et qui était aussi, plus que tu ne
croyais, métier d’écouter et de répondre… ». (Baudouin, 1964)

1. Introduction

Pour concevoir la complémentarité des instances freudiennes (Ça-Moi-Surmoi) avec les instances jungiennes (Persona-Ombre-Soi) ...
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Ovid’s myth according to the Freudian definition

"Narcissus and Echo, metamorphosed into voices"

Tiresias, a soothsayer who became very popular in Aonia, made a prediction about Narcissus, born of the nymph Liriopé and Cephise, which for a long time remained mysterious:

Le mythe d’Ovide à la définition freudienne

«Narcisse et Écho, métamorphosée en voix»

Tirésias, devin devenu très prisé en Aonie, fit à propos de Narcisse, né de la nymphe Liriopé et du Céphise, une prédiction restée longtemps mystérieuse: >> continue


We suffer in this world: our society is pathogenic. This society is one that is part of what is now called hypermodernity. Hypermodernity, as its name suggests, is a "modernity" of excess, excessiveness, and the limitlessness that has written in its DNA the Greek hubris (overconfidence) as a trademark.

Le narcissisme social (part I)

Nous souffrons de ce monde: notre société est pathogène. Cette société est celle qui s’inscrit dans ce qu’on appelle désormais l’hypermodernité. L’hypermodernité, comme son nom l’indique est une «modernité» de l’excès, de la démesure, du sans-limite qui a inscrit dans son ADN l’hùbris (démeusure) grecque comme marque de fabrique. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Elsa Godart from Toulon, France.

Dans notre série d´interviews "in conversation with“, nous présentons brièvement les auteurs des éditoriaux. Nous voulons donner à nos utilisateurs la possibilité de lire les éditoriaux d´un point de vue différent.

Cette semaine, nous sommes particulièrement heureux d´accueillir Elsa Godart de Toulon, France. >> continue


Recognizing the importance of psychoanalytic theory for those who try to study the humanities, I took it upon myself to write a theoretical book that contains widespread notions: the ego, the neurosis, the psychosis, perversion, inversion. All this is summarized in the title: The ego and psychopathology. >> continue




This week we are happy to introduce Darius Wesner Estevenson in our interview series "In Conversation With“!
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A critique of: Civilization and Its Discontents

Author: Darius Wesner Estevenson


Pulsion et civilisation is a critical work of psychoanalysis. It shows the considerable influence of the external environment, and civilization, on human beings when they develop mental disorders. Freudian psychoanalysis emphasizes the endogenous aspect of the cause for mental disorders, specifically the repressed and unfulfilled drive. Against the frustration engendered by repression, civilization should, according to Freud, meet the expectations of the subject. Since this task is not successful, the author speaks of Civilization and Its Discontents.

Our position is different. Civilization is largely the cause of misfortune of human beings. Through its ethics, its superego, it breeds frustration. It´s inevitable; humanity is made in and for the frustration.

In fact, our argument is as follows: firstly, it identifies several aspects of the drive concept without forgetting the pseudo-Marxist critique of the death instinct, precisely that of Wilehlm Reich. Furthermore, we are developing two topics of Freud with the aim to understand the phylogenetic superego and its close relationship to civilization.

Moreover, civilization is discussed including its dimension of social cohesion and ethics. Finally, it is the impact of ethics on the human psychic that especially arouses our interest as its product are largely neurosis, perversion and psychosis.

The heart of our problem remains a challenge to Civilization and Its Discontents. Or should we instead of calling it - Civilization and its Discontents call it - Discontents of the civilization?


Pulsion et civilisation est un ouvrage critique de la psychanalyse. Il montre l´influence considérable du milieu extérieur, de la civilisation, sur l’être humain dans la formation des troubles psychiques. La psychanalyse freudienne met en exergue l´aspect endogène de la cause du trouble psychique, précisément la pulsion refoulée et insatisfaite. Contre la frustration qu´engendre le refoulement, la civilisation devrait, selon Freud, combler les attentes du sujet. Puisque cette tâche ne réussit pas, l´auteur parle de Malaise dans la civilisation.

Notre position est différente. La civilisation est en grande partie la cause du malheur de l’être humain. Par le biais de son éthique, son surmoi, elle engendre de la frustration. C´est inévitable, l´humanité est faite dans et pour la frustration.

En fait, notre argumentation se dessine de la manière suivante: d´une part, on cerne plusieurs aspects du concept de pulsion sans oublier la critique pseudo-marxiste de la pulsion de mort, précisément celle de Wilehlm Reich. D´autre part, nous développons les deux topiques de Freud dans l´objectif de comprendre le surmoi phylogénétique et son rapport étroit à la civilisation.

Par ailleurs, la civilisation est abordée notamment dans sa dimension de lien social et de son éthique. Enfin, c´est l´impact de cette éthique sur le psychique humain qui suscite surtout notre intérêt, en ce qu´il produit en grande partie de la névrose, de la perversion et de la psychose.

Le cœur de notre problématique reste une remise en question de Malaise dans la civilisation. Faut – il dire Malaise dans la civilisation ou Malaise de la civilisation? >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Darius Wesner Estevenson from Case-Pilote, Martinique:

Born on 09/25/1975 in Port-au-Prince, HAITI
Married, 3 children.
2013-2012: Master 2 in psychoanalysis. University of Paris 8.
2012-2011: Master 2 in Humanities / Philosophy and Critique of Contemporary Culture. University of Paris 8.
2006-2005: Master of French as a Foreign Language. University of the French West Indies and Guiana.
2003-1999: Modern Letters degree at the Higher School of Port-au-Prince.

Né le 25/09/1975 à Port-au-prince, HAÏTI
Marié, 3 enfants.
2013-2012: Master 2 en psychanalyse. Université de Paris 8.
2012-2011: Master 2 en Sciences Humaines/ Philosophie et Critique Contemporaine de la Culture. Université de Paris 8.
2006-2005: Maîtrise en Français Langue Étrangère. Université des Antilles et de la Guyane.
2003-1999: Diplôme en Lettres Modernes à l´École Normale Supérieure de Port-au-Prince.

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis? Comment en êtes-vous venu à la psychanalyse?

Darius Wesner Estevenson: I came to psychoanalysis through the transfer more precisely thanks to the influence of my professor Pierre Bayard. He came to teach a course of psychoanalysis /literature at the Higher School of Port-au-Prince during a philosophy master program. Je suis venu à la psychanalyse par le transfert, précisément par l´influence de mon professeur Pierre Bayard. Il était venu enseigner un cours de psychanalyse/littérature à l’École Normale Supérieure de Port-au-Prince dans un programme master de philosophie.
>> continue

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