02/16/2025, 23:01, Vienna  DEUTSCH / ENGLISH

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Leading articles

THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST wants to give not only already internationally established psychoanalysts, but also still unknown psychoanalysts the opportunity to post a self-written and not yet published article on the FrontPage of our online magazine!

Our Users then can leave comments, ask questions or discuss the articles in our forum. Our aim is to provide an international platform where for the first time anyone interested in psychoanalysis can exchange ideas on certain topics.
Articles are welcome in German and/ or English.

If you are interested, please send your article to

(For reasons of readability, the male form is used with personal names, however the female form is also always intended.)




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Frank Schumann from Berlin, Germany.

He studied sociology, psychology and philosophy at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and graduated with a thesis on the concept of the subject in Freud´s writings. In 2017 he received...

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis? >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Elizabeth Ann Danto from New York, U.S.A.:

She is emeritus professor at Hunter College – City University of New York, and an international lecturer on the history of psychoanalysis as a system of thought and a marker of urban culture...

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis? >> continue

Brexit Q&A with Susie Orbach

Author: Susie Orbach / Sabrina Zehetner (TVP)


Thank you for giving the psychoanalytic community outside of Britain the opportunity to ask questions related to Brexit – a topic that many people across the globe, and especially fellow Europeans, follow with a great deal of interest.

Britain’s decision to leave the European Union came as a great surprise to many Europeans - Were the British surprised by the referendum’s result? >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Petra Roscheck from Vienna, Austria:

Psychoanalyst / psychotherapist in training under supervision
Studied psychotherapy science at the Sigmund Freud University, Vienna...

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis? >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Pamela Cooper-White from New York, U.S.A.:

The Rev. Pamela Cooper-White, Ph.D., is the Christiane Brooks Johnson Professor of Psychology and Religion at Union Theological Seminary, New York since 2015, after many years as professor at Columbia Theological Seminary and Co-Director of the Atlanta Theological Association’s Th.D. program in Pastoral Counseling. She was the 2013-14 Fulbright-Freud Scholar of Psychoanalysis in Vienna, Austria. ...

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis? >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Jorge Luis Rios from Vienna, Austria:

• Born in 1984 in Lima, Peru
• 2013 Psychotherapy Science studies at the Sigmund Freud Private University
• June 2014 - March 2015 propaedeutic internship at the Sigmund Freud University Outpatient Clinic..

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis? >> continue

Psychoanalysis: A foreign field (Part II)

Author: Dany Nobus / Sabrina Zehetner (TVP)


In Part II, Dany Nobus discusses the Bloomsbury Group, the psychoanalytic tradition (or lack thereof) in the United Kingdom, Shakespeare and the status quo of mental health services.

When did psychoanalysis arrive in Britain? >> continue

Who was Princess Alice of Battenberg? (Part I)

Author: Dany Nobus / Sabrina Zehetner (TVP)


In his interview with THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST, Professor Dany Nobus reconstructs the clinical history of Princess Alice of Battenberg and provides insight into the history of psychoanalysis.

What sparked your interest in Princess Alice of Battenberg? >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Pere Llovet Planas from Barcelona, Spain:

Clinical Psychologist at the Universities of Barcelona and Geneva, Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist, Diploma in Advanced studies in Political Science and Sociology at Barcelona’s Pompeu Fabra University.
Professional Development as Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist in Public Services in Geneva and Barcelona, Clinical supervisor at various public services and private groups, Teaching at several academic or professional institutions in Barcelona and other Spanish cities. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Jean-Christophe Bétrisey from Geneva, Switzerland.

Dans notre série d´interviews "im Gespräch mit", nous présentons brièvement les auteurs des éditoriaux. Nous voulons donner à nos utilisateurs la possibilité de lire les éditoriaux d´un point de vue différent.

Cette semaine, nous sommes particulièrement heureux d´accueillir Jean-Christophe Bétrisey de Genève, Suisse. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Floriana Irtelli from Milan, Italy.

Nella nostra serie di interviste "in conversazione con" presenteremo brevemente gli autori degli editoriale e vogliamo offrire ai nostri utenti l´opportunità di leggere l´editoriale da un altro punto di vista.

Questa settimana siamo molto lieti di dare il benvenuto a Floriana Irtelli da Milano, Italia. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Anna Lindemann from Vienna, Austria:

Anna Lindemann studied literature, philosophy and history at the University of Bielefeld and did her doctorate at the University of Vienna. Her first book Sigmund Freud, das ‚Cocain‘ und die Morphinisten: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen und klinischen Praxis im Umgang mit Suchtmitteln (1850-1890) was published in July 2018. She currently works as a freelance historian in the field of the history of science and teaches at the SFU (Sigmund Freud Private University) Vienna. >> continue


Author: Manfred F.R. Kets / Sabrina Zehetner (TVP)


In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries from Paris, France:

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries is a Distinguished Clinical Professor of Leadership Development and Organizational Change at the INSEAD Business School for the World. He brings a different view to the much-studied subjects of leadership and the dynamics of individual and organizational change. Bringing to bear his knowledge and experience of economics (Econ. Drs., University of Amsterdam), management (ITP, M.B.A., and D.B.A., Harvard Business School), and psychoanalysis (Canadian Psychoanalytic Society and the International Psychoanalytic Association), he scrutinizes the interface between international management, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and dynamic psychiatry. His specific areas of interest are leadership development, top executive team building, organizational change and cross-cultural management. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Hale Usak from Innsbruck, Austria:

Clinical and health psychologist, education scientist-in-training, psychoanalyst-in-training under supervision at the Innsbrucker Arbeitskreis für Psychoanalyse. Her first published monograph "Unter unserem Seelenteppich" highlights previously hidden stories of life and suffering of Turkish pioneers from first-generation guest workers. Her dissertation was published in the Psychosozial-Verlag under the title "Psychoanalyse in der Türkei. Eine historische und aktuelle Spurensuche". Both were rewarded with academic awards. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Glenville Ashby from New York, U.S.A:

Glenville Ashby was born in Trinidad. He is a graduate of the University of the West Indies, The London School of Journalism, The College of Media and Publishing, Euclid University, and the International School of Applied Psychoanalysis.
He also studied at The Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, The Pontificia Accademia Pro Vita, Vatican City, Rome, and St. Gall´s Seminary in Switzerland.
He is a member of Oxford University Philosophy Society, the South Asian Journalist Association, the Canadian Bioethics Society, the American Society for Psychical Research and the International Society of Applied Psychoanalysis.
He received his doctoral degree in Interreligious Dialogue and Diplomacy. >> continue




We are happy to announce the launch of our new column "On the Couch" with the psychoanalyst Michaela Heger-Holeschofsky, where our readers can ask questions and receive professional advice. You are welcome to submit theoretical questions as well as personal concerns. Mag. Michaela Heger-Holeschofsky will answer your questions – including those submitted by children and adolescents – to the best of her knowledge. The column’s goal is to make psychoanalysis accessible to a wider, psychoanalytically interested audience. We look forward to your submissions!

Born in Vienna in 1979, Mag. Michaela Heger-Holeschofsky completed her studies at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna, as well as at the Psychoanalytic Seminar in Innsbruck. She currently runs her own private practice in Vienna. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Valeria Portaluppi from Buenos Aires, Argentina:

Valeria Portaluppi is a psychoanalyst from Argentina who graduated with honours at Universidad de Buenos Aires in 2010. She performed a Mental Health Interdisciplinary Residency at Hospital “Colonia Nacional Dr. Manuel Montes de Oca” from 2012 to 2015. In the same institution, she was Residency Chief from 2015 to 2016. After getting her Mental Health specialization degree, she performed a Gerontology Post Basic Interdisciplinary Residency at the hospital “Dr. Velez Sarsfield” from 2016 to June 2018. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Elsa Godart from Toulon, France.

Dans notre série d´interviews "in conversation with“, nous présentons brièvement les auteurs des éditoriaux. Nous voulons donner à nos utilisateurs la possibilité de lire les éditoriaux d´un point de vue différent.

Cette semaine, nous sommes particulièrement heureux d´accueillir Elsa Godart de Toulon, France. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Carmen Birkle from Marburg, Germany.

After teaching at the Universities of Mainz, Vienna, Bergen, Dijon and the Columbia University in New York City, Carmen Birkle has been a Professor of North American Literature and Cultural Studies at the Philipps-University Marburg since 2008. She was President, Vice President and Managing Director of the German Society for American Studies and is currently its International Delegate. >> continue

Sigmund Freud´s return to Vienna

Author: Sabrina Zehetner (TVP)


On June 4, a sculpture of Sigmund Freud created by Oscar Nemon was unveiled on the campus of the Medical University of Vienna. Prior to the unveiling, we talked to Sigmund Freud’s great-grandson Lord David Freud and Lady Aurelia Young, the sculptor’s daughter.

Interview with Lord David Freud:

What is your relationship with Vienna?

Lord David Freud: It´s a very complicated relationship because my father (Anton Walter Freud) and the rest of the family was thrown out of Vienna, and it was the fundamental cause of an underlying insecurity for him. It was very character-forming in a not very positive way. My father was very insecure wherever he lived. He never felt quite at home, that he belonged in the UK. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Hans-Joachim Maaz from Halle, Germany. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Helmut Luft from Hofheim, Germany:

Born 1924, Dr. med., expert in neurology, psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine. From 1965 to 1998 head of the specialist clinic Hofheim. Teacherand control analyst at the DPV (Deutsche Psychoanalytische Vereinigung- German Psychoanalytic Association). Lecturer at the SFI. Lecturer at the University of Frankfurt. Co-founder of the Mainz Psychoanalytic Institute. For more than 20 years research focus on Psychoanalysis of older patients. Numerous professional and book publications. >> continue


The golden age of Neuroscience has arrived while Psychoanalysis is still struggling with its bad reputation - Is Neuropsychoanalysis a threat or an ally in the fight for credibility? We interviewed Prof. Dr. Ariane Bazan, a leading researcher in Neuropsychoanalysis and professor of clinical psychology at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.  >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Kamiar-K. Rueckert from Riga, Latvia. >> continue




 In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Julia Skip-Schrötter from Vienna, Austria.
(English/Ukrainian) >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Omnia El Shakry from California, U.S.A.:

Undergraduate studies in psychology at the American University in Cairo, followed by a Master of Arts in Near Eastern Studies at New York University and then an MA and PhD in History at Princeton University. My doctoral thesis was revised and published as The Great Social Laboratory: Subjects of Knowledge in Colonial and Postcolonial Egypt (2007). Since 2002, a professor at the University of California, Davis, teaching world history and modern Middle East history. Latest books: Gender and Sexuality in Islam (ed. 2016) and The Arabic Freud: Psychoanalysis and Islam in Modern Egypt (2017). >> continue




This week we are happy to introduce Arjet Pervizi in our interview series "In Conversation With“! >> continue




This week we are happy to introduce Darius Wesner Estevenson in our interview series "In Conversation With“!
>> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Anita Dietrich-Neunkirchner from Vienna, Austria:

Born 1963 in Vienna, Master of Psychology at the University of Vienna, Diploma thesis on Gesundheitsselbsthilfeinitiativen in Wien – eine qualitative Studie, psychoanalysis training at the Wiener Psychoanalytisches Seminar (WPS), Doctoral studies in Psychotherapy Science at the Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, dissertation „Vielleicht kann man mit anderen schwesterlicher sein als mit der eigenen Schwester". Women couples as entrepreneurs - a psychoanalytic study of the symbolic sisterhood in a professional context.
Several years as a psychologist and psychotherapist at the psychiatric hospital Baumgartner Höhe, founding member and several years of employment at the Verein Selbstlaut (Association for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse): counseling, supervision, research.
Since 1993 working as a psychotherapist and psychoanalyst in private practice.
From 2003 to 2011 psychoanalytic teaching at the interuniversity colleague Graz/Seggauberg. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Dieter Sandner from Munich, Germany. >> continue


Author: Lea Dohm


In our interview series "in conversation with" we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the ability to also read the leading article from a different point of view.
This week we have the great honor that one of our Feuilleton authors decided to write a leading article for us.
Therefore, her Introduction is now slightly modified compared to others.
You, dear Reader, can read Lea Dohm interview here!

We are very glad to welcome back Lea Dohm from Stadthagen, Germany:

Lea Dohm, née Peplau, married with 2 children.
Oct. 2000 - Feb. 2006: Study of Psychology at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
Sep. 2005 - Sep. 2011: advanced training to depth psychology oriented psychological Psychotherapist in the training center of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Center for Lifelong Learning (C3L).
Aug. 2011 - Jan. 2014: Specialist Journalism by correspondence course Aug. 2011 - Jan. 2014 at the Free School of Journalism Berlin.
Since Feb. 2016: advanced training for psychoanalytically oriented group psychotherapist in Göttingen, Tiefenbrunn.
Since March 2012: Settled in Stadthagen with an own psychotherapeutic practice with admission to the care provided under health insurance schemes.
May 2011 - Dez.2014: contributor for Public Relations at the Psychotherapeutic Association of the State of Lower Saxony. Worked previously for several years in three different psychiatric hospitals.
Member of bvvp, IPPNW, the Humanistische Union and Pro Asyl. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Sophia Benedict from Vienna, Austria:

Born 1945 in the USSR
Occupation: Journalist for Science, writer, translator, specialist author
Citizenship: Austria (married in 1984 to an Austrian)
Education: University of Kazan, Russia: studies in journalism, German, literature and history; Diploma for journalism
Further Education: Education and Training in Vienna for German, Psychoanalysis, Pedagogy in Adult Education, Communication, Elocution
Languages: a) Russian (mother tongue); B) German (very good) c) Ukrainian (good) d) English (basic knowledge)
Cultural and educational trips: England, Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Malta, South Africa, Tunisia, Israel
Work: 08.07.1966 - 15.09.1984 Journalism (newspapers, magazines, radio TV) in the USSR (Kazan, Tbilisi, Moscow)
02.01.1985 - now freelance journalist, translator, interpreter in Vienna
Membership in:
Press Club "Concordia", Austrian PEN-Club, Austrian Writers´ Association (ÖSV), Austrian Association of Translators of Literary and Scientific Works, Wiener Sigmund Freud Society
Interests: Photography (part-time), Painting, Sculpture
Over 20 published books.

DWP: What led you to deal with psychoanalysis, respectively with Freud and his achievements?

Sophia Benedict: I come from the USSR, where psychoanalysis has been undesirable since 1925 until the mid-1980s. Everyone knows how sweet the forbidden fruit is. The few works that I have managed to read have aroused my interest and it has grown since then. Later, when I was already living in Vienna, I read almost all of Freud’s works; I attended the lectures on psychoanalysis and even took part in lectures from the university as a free listener. Then I began to translate articles and books on psychoanalysis. I have also written some science journalistic books that have been successfully published in Russia. >> continue


What distinguishes political from economic conduct and is it possible to analyze public figures like Trump? We met the US-based professor and expert on personality disorders to discuss leadership and the fundamental difference between personality and behavior.

In your lecture, you discussed the characteristics of leadership and you also talked about foresight as a form of intelligence. What promotes this foresight and how can one obtain it? Is it formal education, or experience?

Otto Kernberg: Intelligence is a complex concept comprised of various abilities. When we refer to “intelligence”, we are talking about a sum of cognitive abilities, basically measured by the level of abstract thinking. Abstract thinking is the best indication of general intelligence, but one can obtain and integrates knowledge in multiple ways. There is an emotional intelligence, a social intelligence, a mathematical intelligence. These are different concepts. First, intelligence is genetically determinated and related to the structure of the central nervous system, particularly the cerebral cortex.

So intelligence is partly determinated…

Otto Kernberg: Partly yes, partly it depends on the cognitive experiences during the first years of life – especially on how a child develops an interest in his own thinking in an environment that strengthens it, so that the interest in emotional and mental inner life is displayed, and there is the possibility to discuss it with the parents. Thereby, intelligence is developed in multiple ways, and is essentially as important as innate abilities. It really is a combination of abilities that stem from genetics and constitution as well as from environmental influences and interpersonal relationships in the first years of life, which then further develop. The special ability to extrapolate from current behavior to future developments is a special function that can be developed and learned, and as I said yesterday, the longer the span of the influence of current developments on the future, the higher is the institutionally vital intelligence that allows for the development of leadership in organizations and politics. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Nicholas Fox Weber from Connecticut, U.S.A.:

1969-71 Yale University, New Haven, CT M.A., Art History; Fellowship in American Art
1965-69 Columbia College, New York, NY B.A., major in art history
1961-65 Loomis School, Windsor, CT Cum Laude
1983 to present Director, Josef Albers Stiftung, Bottrop, Germany
1976 to present Executive Director, The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany, CT
1979 summer: Lecturer, 20th Century Art, New School for Social Research, New York
1971-76 President, Fox Charts, Inc., Hartford, CT
1974 Guest lecturer, 20th Century Painting and Sculpture, Trinity College, Hartford, CT
1973 Guest lecturer, Collecting Contemporary Art, Trinity College, Hartford, CT
1970-71 Graduate teaching assistant, Yale University, New Haven, CT

DWP: What led you to deal with psychoanalysis, respectively with Freud and his achievements?

Nicholas Fox Weber: My topic, which I came to by chance, is Freud’s trip to Orvieto. In the book I wrote about this, I explain why the subject has such personal significance to me, and what the particular elements were that led me to want to pursue the subject. I am sure that having undergone a traditional Freudian analysis myself, for about seven years, four days a week when the doctor and I were not traveling (as agreed in advance,) and, since concluding it about twenty-five years ago, having had a lot of opportunity to consider its immense benefits and surprising limitations, I was drawn to anything with the name Freud on it. He is, for many of us, one of the individuals of the modern era who has had the greatest impact. I know, for example, that on my first trip to Vienna, made for other reasons, I headed quickly to Bergasse 19. When, some 18 years ago, our younger daughter turned 16, she wanted to go to Freud’s house in London—my wife and I were delighted. Freud, I will admit, is a sort of cult figure for many of us. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Todd Raymond Dufresne from Thunder Bay, Ontario:

Academic Qualifications:
1991-1997 Doctor of Philosophy, Social and Political Thought, York University, Toronto.
1990-1992 Master of Arts, Social and Political Thought, York University, Toronto.
1985-1989 Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, The University of Western Ontario, London.

Professional Affiliation:
Professor of Philosophy, Lakehead University

DWP: What led you to deal with psychoanalysis, especially as it concerns Freud and his achievements?

Todd Raymond Dufresne: From the perspective of practitioners, I came to Freud and psychoanalysis backwards – as an academic. I was introduced to Freud’s work as an undergraduate student in Philosophy, but had no intention of working on psychoanalysis as a graduate student. I thought I’d research the work of American novelist Thomas Pynchon! But my plans shifted in the face of the social and cultural conditions I encountered as a graduate student in Social & Political Thought at York University in Toronto. What I found was that a fair number of my peers were not just working on psychoanalysis but were in analytic therapy. And since some of them were sophisticated and interesting people, I too became intrigued. It was a hothouse environment, in some ways, and I was a classic fish out of water. Although I feel most at home in Toronto today, I was born to a small town working class family in Northern Ontario, attended high school in a small city a few hours away, and then earned my BA at the University of Western Ontario – a big traditional university in London, Ontario. When I went to graduate school in 1990 a lot of ideas in the margins of tradition were at the centre of everyone’s concerns at York. So in addition to not exactly fitting into this culture, I also no longer felt very radical! >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Steven Stern from Portland, Maine in the U.S.A.:

Amherst College, Amherst, MA (1966-1970)
B.A., Cum Laude
Honors: Independent Scholar in Literature
University of Illinois, Champaign, IL (1974-1981)
M.S. 1979, Clinical Psychology
Psy.D. 1981, Clinical Psychology
University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Psychiatry, Madison, WI. (1978-1979)
Internship in Clinical Psychology
Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago, IL (1992-1999)

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, State of Maine (#PS1128)
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, State of Illinois (No. 071-003158)
American Psychological Association
APA Division 39 (Psychoanalysis)
International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP)
Member of the International Council, International Association of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP)

Faculty, Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis (Cambridge/Boston) (2003-Present).
Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Tufts University School of Medicine and Maine Medical Center (2011-Present)
Faculty, Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis (2000-2004).
Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Vermont Medical School/Maine Medical Center (2003-2011).

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Steven Stern: (1) During college, working 3 summers in an analytically-oriented therapeutic camp in New Hampshire. It was trial by fire, alone much of the time with nine 10-year old boys in a cabin in the woods! With the help of skilled analytic supervisors I learned how to convert what could have been “Lord of the Flies” into a deeply therapeutic (though often emotionally raw) milieu; (2) As a psychology intern in Madison WI in the late 1970s, being supervised by a self-psychologically-oriented analyst on the case of a multiply abused, “borderline” young woman and seeing first hand the transformative power of empathic understanding and connection. >> continue


Author: Thomas Barth


In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Thomas Barth from Vienna, Austria:

Born 1965 in Vienna.
Studied Psychology at the University of Vienna (1984-87), certificate program in Marketing @ Sales at WU Vienna 1989.
Completed the psychoanalytic training at the Psychoanalytic Seminar Innsbruck (PSI) in 2010 and received the Doctorate in Psychotherapy science at Sigmund Freud University Vienna (SFU) in 2012. Training Analyst (PSI/SFU) since 2017.
Work in the areas music (ongoing) and new media in Vienna, Denmark and New York. Since 2007 (ongoing): Leading the mnemonic training at the “Anne Kohn-Feuermann” day care center in the Jewish home for the elderly, since 2011 psychoanalyst in own private practice in Vienna. Publications, lectures and performances in the fields psychoanalysis, music and cultural studies.

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Thomas Barth: There were a couple of factors: My interest in psychological topics - apart from music - had existed since my childhood. In 1982 at the Gymnasium in Tulln, I took psychology and philosophy as compulsory optional subject in 7th grade. Our teacher encouraged by her way of teaching this interest further.

Then in the mid-80s, I studied y psychology with focus on psychiatry at the Vienna University and heard among others lectures by Erwin Ringel, Hans Strotzka, Harald Leupold-Löwenthal and Giselher Guttmann. I did not graduate at that time, but I continued to deal with psychoanalytic topics. After several years in New York, I met Professor Guttmann in Vienna in December 2005. He told me among others thing about the then newly founded Sigmund Freud Private University (SFU), whose dean he was then. I completed my studies there (2009) and the psychoanalytic training (2010, in cooperation with the PSI, the psychoanalytic seminar Innsbruck). >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Pia Maria Jolliffe from Oxford, Great Britain:

She was born in Vienna. She went to the Sacred Heart school and completed a Master in Japanese Studies at the University of Vienna. Then, she went for two years to Geneva, where she also worked as consultant for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. In 2006, Pia went to Oxford where she received her DPhil (Doctor of Philosophy) in International Development in 2011. For her doctoral thesis, Pia spent 12 months among the Karen people in the highlands of northern Thailand. She revisited the Karen for her post-doc works several times. In 2016 her book “Learning, Migration and Intergenerational Relations. The Karen and the Gift of Education” appeared with Palgrave MacMillan.

DWP: What led you to deal with psychoanalysis, respectively with Freud and his achievements?

Pia Maria Jolliffe: My work with the Karen people, an ethnic minority group in the highlands of Chiang Mai, northern Thailand. The longer I lived with the Karen, the more I was interested in their culturally significant symbols. Eventually these symbols appeared in my dreams. In Chiang Mai, I met Ulrike Gogela. Ulrike is a psychotherapist and a Jungian analyst. It was helpful to talk with Ulrike about my dreams. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with" we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the ability to also read the leading article from a different point of view.
This week we have the great honor that an author decided to write a second time for us.
Therefore his Introduction is now slightly modified compared to the first time.
You, dear Reader, can read Gabriella Papadia’s first interview here and Gabriella Papadia’s first article can be found here!

This week we are very glad to welcome back Gabriella Papadia from Palermo, Italy:

She is a childhood Psychologist with a clinical and evolutionary orientation. She obtained a master´s degree at the University of Palermo in Clinical Psychology with a thesis entitled "Preterm birth: parental anxiety and stress within the development paths", qualified to the profession of psychologist with inscription Order of Psychologists of Sicily Region. Continues her path of research on premature birth coming in contact with the Group of Research in Pediatric Psychology. Junior psychologist affiliated with the Italian Society of Pediatric Psychology and graduate student at the "International School of Psychotherapy in the Institutional Setting" (SIPSI). Her fields of interest with regard to research and intervention can be traced in neurodevelopmental assessment of patients with typical and atypical development (both adults and children), neurodevelopmental disorders, specific learning disabilities, psychopathology related to prematurity, parenting at risk. At the same time, she carries out social inclusion projects in the ground of her city moving between schools and hospitals.

Gabriella Papadia è una Psicologa dell’infanzia ad orientamento clinico-evolutivo. Consegue la laurea magistrale presso l’Ateneo Palermitano in Psicologia Clinica dell’Arco di Vita con una tesi sperimentale dal titolo “Nascita pretermine: ansia e stress genitoriale all’interno dei percorsi di sviluppo” e abilitata alla professione di psicologo con iscrizione all’Ordine degli Psicologi della Regione Siciliana. Continua il suo percorso di ricerca sulla nascita prematura entrando a contatto con il Gruppo di Ricerca in Psicologia Pediatrica. Psicologa junior affiliata alla Società Italiana di Psicologia Pediatrica e specializzanda alla “Scuola Internazionale di Psicoterapia nel Setting Istituzionale” (SIPSI). I suoi campi d’interesse per quanto riguarda la ricerca e l’intervento si rintracciano nell’ assessment neuroevolutivo di soggetti con sviluppo tipico e atipico (adulti e bambini), disturbi del neurosviluppo, disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento, psicopatologia correlata alla prematurità, genitorialità a rischio. Contemporaneamente porta avanti progetti di inclusione sociale nel territorio palermitano muovendosi tra scuole e ospedali. >> continue


Author: DWP / TVP


Dear readers and listeners,

Since May 2015, the psychoanalytic radio show series "UNBEWUSST – die Lust am freien Sprechen" has been broadcasted live on every second Wednesday once a month.
For the last months, the radio team has been searching for other moderators, with the support of THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST.
Here we would like to thank you again for all your emails and applications!

Now it´s time, the radio team has decided and two new moderators have joined the team.
But not only that, through these two new hosts, it is now also possible to invite English-speaking guests to the program, so the radio series will no longer be broadcast only in German, but we will also sometimes broadcast English-language shows.

We are very proud to be able to offer this new feature from now on and all this live from Vienna!

This week we will introduce you to the male new arrival!
Welcome to the team, Kaan ÖZEMEK! >> continue


Author: DWP / TVP


Dear readers and listeners,

Since May 2015, the psychoanalytic radio show series "UNBEWUSST – die Lust am freien Sprechen" has been broadcasted live on every second Wednesday once a month.
For the last months, the radio team has been searching for other moderators, with the support of THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST.
Here we would like to thank you again for all your emails and applications!

Now it´s time, the radio team has decided and two new moderators have joined the team.
But not only that, through these two new hosts, it is now also possible to invite English-speaking guests to the program, so the radio series will no longer be broadcast only in German, but we will also sometimes broadcast English-language shows.

We are very proud to be able to offer this new feature from now on and all this live from Vienna!

This week we will introduce you to the female new arrival!
Welcome to the team, Valerie MARKO! >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the ability to read also the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Gabriella Papadia from Palermo, Italy:

She is a childhood Psychologist with a clinical and evolutionary orientation. She obtained a master´s degree at the University of Palermo in Clinical Psychology with a thesis entitled "Preterm birth: parental anxiety and stress within the development paths", qualified to the profession of psychologist with inscription Order of Psychologists of Sicily Region. Continues her path of research on premature birth coming in contact with the Group of Research in Pediatric Psychology. Junior psychologist affiliated with the Italian Society of Pediatric Psychology and graduate student at the "International School of Psychotherapy in the Institutional Setting" (SIPSI). Her fields of interest with regard to research and intervention can be traced in neurodevelopmental assessment of patients with typical and atypical development (both adults and children), neurodevelopmental disorders, specific learning disabilities, psychopathology related to prematurity, parenting at risk. At the same time, she carries out social inclusion projects in the ground of her city moving between schools and hospitals.

Gabriella Papadia è una Psicologa dell’infanzia ad orientamento clinico-evolutivo. Consegue la laurea magistrale presso l’Ateneo Palermitano in Psicologia Clinica dell’Arco di Vita con una tesi sperimentale dal titolo “Nascita pretermine: ansia e stress genitoriale all’interno dei percorsi di sviluppo” e abilitata alla professione di psicologo con iscrizione all’Ordine degli Psicologi della Regione Siciliana. Continua il suo percorso di ricerca sulla nascita prematura entrando a contatto con il Gruppo di Ricerca in Psicologia Pediatrica. Psicologa junior affiliata alla Società Italiana di Psicologia Pediatrica e specializzanda alla “Scuola Internazionale di Psicoterapia nel Setting Istituzionale” (SIPSI). I suoi campi d’interesse per quanto riguarda la ricerca e l’intervento si rintracciano nell’ assessment neuroevolutivo di soggetti con sviluppo tipico e atipico (adulti e bambini), disturbi del neurosviluppo, disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento, psicopatologia correlata alla prematurità, genitorialità a rischio. Contemporaneamente porta avanti progetti di inclusione sociale nel territorio palermitano muovendosi tra scuole e ospedali.

DWP: What led you to deal with psychoanalysis, respectively with Freud and his achievements? Cosa ti ha portato a occuparti di psicoanalisi, di Freud e dei suoi successi?

Gabriella Papadia: It might seem a banal story, but as a child, I was intrigued by his thoughts, mainly by the tendency to get in touch and learn this method of treatment (talking cure) “outside the box”. The philosophical and anthropological influences that encounter in his thinking mean that psychoanalysis also configure it as an human care method, closer to people. Potrebbe sembrare banale, ma sin da piccola sono stata attirata dal suo pensiero, soprattutto dalla tendenza ad acquisire ed imparare questo metodo di trattamento "fuori dagli schemi". (la cura attraverso la parola).Le influenze filosofiche ed antropoligiche che si riscontrano nel suo pensiero fanno sì che la psicoanalisi si configuri come un metodo di cura umano, più vicino alle persone. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the ability to read also the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Samer Schaat from Vienna, Austria:

Born in Vienna. Working in the interdisciplinary field of simulation of human decision-making. Completion of the pre-clinical study of medicine, however, change to medical informatics to pursue a systemic and systematic method. After working at the Medical University of Vienna, he works at the Vienna University of Technology. There, the management of projects for the translation and application of psychoanalytic and neuro-scientific concepts in computer models. Development of a model for decision-making, application for the research of cooperation and environmentally behavior. Conclusion of the thesis Decision-making in the social context. Initiator of the nonprofit association for knowledge transfer EdelmanSaid (http://www.edelmansaid.net).

DWP: What led you to deal with psychoanalysis, respectively with Freud and his achievements?

Samer Schaat: Psychoanalysis seemed to me to be the discipline that takes the role of the unconscious seriously and provides the basis for a holistic model of psychological factors and their integration. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with" we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the ability to also read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Fakhrun Siraj from Indonesia:

Born and raised in Indonesia. He works as a clinical psychoanalyst and is co-founder of the Association of Psychoanalysis Indonesia, where he also works as a Supervisor for young psychoanalysts in training.
He has published various works, among others "Trance Phenomena: uncover phenomena, dynamics, and the pattern of trance in the formation of personality".

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Fakhrun Siraj: I have grown up in Sufism. As such I used it from childhood on to observe myself (sounds like a self-analysis of psychoanalysis does it not?). As a 8 year old I started studying philosophy, especially the philosophy of semiotic. Jacques Lacan is an awesome figure of psychoanalysis. I got to know psychoanalysis from Lacan. It was not until 12 years ago that I started studying psychology, especially psychoanalysis, in depth. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with" we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users thability to also read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Toghrul Salamzade from Istanbul, Turkey:

Born in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan. When he was 10 years old he moved with his family to Northern Cyprus. In 2010 he had graduated from high-school and he decided study Psychology in Girne American University. After his graduation he moved to Turkey. In his student period he had trainings and courses on Sex therapy and Hypnosis. Then in 2014 he moved to Istanbul, Turkey. In Istanbul, he developed his knowledge on psychology and got extra 13 trainings and courses on psychology.
He gave seminars and conferences on several topics such as Forensic Psychology, Child Sexuality, Addiction and etc. He read almost all books of Freud and Fromm and works in Istanbul as psychotherapist.

DWP: What led you to deal with psychoanalysis, respectively with Freud and his achievements?

Toghrul Salamzade: I love philosophy! When I first to study psychology I began to read books of Sigmund Freud. Freud loves question “Why?” And it is also the basis of psychoanalysis. Freud was different than others: he was radical! He made radical statements and forced me to think about his theories.

For me specifically, the very interesting things in psychoanalysis are dream interpretation and Oedipus complex. Dream interpretation is dogma; and this is what makes it different – I think. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Valerie Marko from Vienna, Austria:

Born in Graz. Lives and works in Vienna. Independent psychotherapy practice for psychoanalysis/psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy in Vienna.
Before that, she worked psychotherapeutic at the psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic of the Sigmund Freud Private University and at iwik - Verein zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität.
Experience in working with children and adolescents by the Caritas institution "Am Himmel", the umbrella organization of Austrian Autistic Aids and Austrian Diabetic Association.

Study of psychotherapy sciences at the Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna.
Completion of the first diploma of international business administration at the University of Economics and business Vienna, Austria.

Scientific work:
"Der Nestflüchter" - The psychoanalytic view of a young depressive man
Anorexia nervosa and religious fasting. The symptoms of anorexia with a case study.
The joke as a defense mechanism based on Wilhelm Busch´s "Max and Moritz"

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Valerie Marko: My interest and curiosity of the individual. In dealing with my own emotions and I became fascinated with the unconscious and reach my personal limits. Psychoanalysis allowed me a way, to use my creativity, which I initially tried to live out while studying art history.

Therefore it is my goal, to escort my patients on their way of self-knowledge too and to arouse their curiosity about their own history. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Darius Wesner Estevenson from Case-Pilote, Martinique:

Born on 09/25/1975 in Port-au-Prince, HAITI
Married, 3 children.
2013-2012: Master 2 in psychoanalysis. University of Paris 8.
2012-2011: Master 2 in Humanities / Philosophy and Critique of Contemporary Culture. University of Paris 8.
2006-2005: Master of French as a Foreign Language. University of the French West Indies and Guiana.
2003-1999: Modern Letters degree at the Higher School of Port-au-Prince.

Né le 25/09/1975 à Port-au-prince, HAÏTI
Marié, 3 enfants.
2013-2012: Master 2 en psychanalyse. Université de Paris 8.
2012-2011: Master 2 en Sciences Humaines/ Philosophie et Critique Contemporaine de la Culture. Université de Paris 8.
2006-2005: Maîtrise en Français Langue Étrangère. Université des Antilles et de la Guyane.
2003-1999: Diplôme en Lettres Modernes à l´École Normale Supérieure de Port-au-Prince.

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis? Comment en êtes-vous venu à la psychanalyse?

Darius Wesner Estevenson: I came to psychoanalysis through the transfer more precisely thanks to the influence of my professor Pierre Bayard. He came to teach a course of psychoanalysis /literature at the Higher School of Port-au-Prince during a philosophy master program. Je suis venu à la psychanalyse par le transfert, précisément par l´influence de mon professeur Pierre Bayard. Il était venu enseigner un cours de psychanalyse/littérature à l’École Normale Supérieure de Port-au-Prince dans un programme master de philosophie.
>> continue


Author: Sabine Schreckenthaler


In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.
This week we have the great honor that an author decided to write a second time for us.
Therefore his Introduction is now slightly modified compared to the first time.
You, dear Reader, can read Sabine Schreckenthaler‘s first interview here and Sabine Schreckenthaler‘s first article can be found here!

We are very glad to welcome back Sabine Schreckenthaler from Vienna, Austria:

Psychotherapist in training under supervision (psychoanalysis)
Psychotherapy scientists
In private practice at 1010 Vienna and 2412 Wolfsthal
Psychotherapeutic / Psychoanalytic work with children, adolescents, adults and families
Employed at Kinderhilfswerk since 2012
2012 "Bachelor´s degree" (Psychotherapy Sciences at the Sigmund Freud University):
"The importance of psychotherapeutic childrens games from a psychoanalytical and pedagogical point of view"
2015 Magistra degree (Psychotherapy Sciences at the Sigmund Freud University):
"Dreams of preschoolers - A qualitative, in-depth hermeneutical investigation according to a psychoanalytical viewpoints"

Illuminating quotes:

“Might we not say that every child at play behaves like a creative writer, in that he creates a world of his own, (…).”
(Sigmund Freud, 1908. Creative Writers and Day-Dreaming)

For me this quote is the beginning of my scientific and psychoanalytic work and expresses in one sentence the meaning of the child´s play for the psychoanalytic psychotherapy. >> continue

Book reviews II

Author: DWP


Dear Readers!

We continue to grow!
Starting today Sabine Schreckenthaler will enrich our team in the feuilleton.
Her focus will be to write book reviews in the area of child and adolescent psychoanalysis.

Welcome aboard!

Sabine Schreckenthaler from Vienna, Austria.
Psychotherapist in training under supervision (psychoanalysis)
Psychotherapy scientists
In private practice at 1010 Vienna and 2412 Wolfsthal
Psychotherapeutic / Psychoanalytic work with children, adolescents, adults and families
Employed at Kinderhilfswerk since 2012
2012 "Bachelor´s degree" (Psychotherapy Sciences at the Sigmund Freud University):
"The importance of psychotherapeutic childrens games from a psychoanalytical and pedagogical point of view"
2015 Magistra degree (Psychotherapy Sciences at the Sigmund Freud University):
"Dreams of preschoolers - A qualitative, in-depth hermeneutical investigation according to a psychoanalytical viewpoints"

DWP: Dear Mag. Schreckenthaler, in the future you will write in the column "Feuilleton" about selected psychoanalytic books as a critic for our readers.
What can our readers expect?

Sabine Schreckenthaler: I will review books and journals in the field of psychoanalytic infant, child and adolescent psychotherapy.

I want to give the readers a short substantive overview with the reviews and share some thoughts about it. Also, I´ll try to put the reviews in a contextual background. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Emilio Modena from Zurich, Switzerland:

Born in 1941 in Naples, since 1950 in Switzerland. Medical studies at the University of Zurich, afterwards five years working as a general practitioner. Psychoanalytic training at PSZ, private practice since 1974, lecturer and supervisor since 1977, founder of the Foundation for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis 1979. Numerous publications on psychoanalytic training drive theory and narcissism, psychoanalysis and politics (see Bibliography www.psychoanalyse-stiftung.ch).

DWP: What led you to deal with psychoanalysis, respectively with Freud and his achievements?

Emilio Modena: There have been two motifs during my adolescence and early adulthood. On the one hand the idealization of my grandfather (step-) father´s side, Rudolf Brun, who was a neurologist, psychoanalyst and myrmecologist and a real private scholar and as such an impressive personality. Even today, I still own his research microscope. On the other hand, my curiosity, which was directed towards biology, as well as sociology and politics. I discovered psychoanalysis as a link between the two areas. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Stefan Kristensen from Geneva, Switzerland:

He is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Art History Department, University of Geneva. He holds a PhD in philosophy from the Universities of Geneva and Paris on Merleau-Ponty and the question of expression. He has been a research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Heidelberg (2013-2015). He has published extensively on the theory of subjectivity, on the problem of witnessing, on the sources and limits of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy among other topics in contemporary continental philosophy and aesthetics. He recently completed his habilitation thesis at the University of Toulouse with a work entitled “The Sensitive Machine”, an essay of articulating the phenomenological perspective of Merleau-Ponty and the schizoanalysis of Félix Guattari (to be published by Herrman, Paris). His latest book is entitled Jean-Luc Godard Philosopher (2014).

DWP: What led you to deal with psychoanalysis, respectively with Freud and his achievements?

Stefan Kristensen: I have come to psychoanalytical literature through the study of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty. I was curious about his use of the Freudian notion of sublimation in his attempts to describe the passage of perceptual sense onto the realm of language (in PhD, published in 2010 under the title Parole et subjectivité. Merleau-Ponty et la phénoménologie de l’expression). This made me familiar with Merleau-Ponty’s quite mysterious idea of an ontological psychoanalysis (in The Visible and the Invisible), in which the unconscious would not be necessarily circumscribed to an individual, but where the unconscious actually is an access to being itself. From such a vantage point, Freud appears as the groundbreaking classic author who made many things possible, but whose ontological prejudices prevented him from going all the way through. But as a genuine classical thinker, his text contains a potential of new questioning at each new reading. >> continue

Book reviews

Author: DWP


Dear Readers!

We are expanding our feuilleton, from now you can not only read about reviews of psychoanalytic events but also book reviews.
Today we want to introduce our first reviewer who from now will write exclusively for our readers.

Welcome aboard!

Lea Dohm, née Peplau, married with 2 children.
Oct. 2000 - Feb. 2006: Study of Psychology at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
Sep. 2005 - Sep. 2011: advanced training to depth psychology oriented psychological Psychotherapist in the training center of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Center for Lifelong Learning (C3L).
Aug. 2011 - Jan. 2014: Specialist Journalism by correspondence course Aug. 2011 - Jan. 2014 at the Free School of Journalism Berlin.
Since Feb. 2016: advanced training for psychoanalytically oriented group psychotherapist in Göttingen, Tiefenbrunn.
Since March 2012: Settled in Stadthagen with an own psychotherapeutic practice with admission to the care provided under health insurance schemes.
May 2011 - Dez. 2014: contributor for Public Relations at the Psychotherapeutic Association of the State of Lower Saxony. Worked previously for several years in three different psychiatric hospitals.
Member of bvvp, IPPNW, the Humanistische Union and Pro Asyl. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Alisa Bartl from Vienna, Austria:

Studied at the Goethe University Frankfurt (philosophy, education).
2008 trained as an educator, also in Frankfurt.
Since 2012 study of Psychotherapy Sciences (Psychoanalysis) at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna

Psychotherapist in training under supervision in private practice.
Radio host of the radio show UNBEWUSST - die Lust am freien Sprechen!

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Alisa Bartl: My father works as a Gestalt therapist as such the contact with psychotherapy and the unconsciousness was so to speak unavoidable.

I made the decision to become a psychoanalyst, because I wanted to learn the profession from the bottom up and also to challenge my father and because psychoanalysis for me is more than a method of treatment. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Daniel Burston from Pittsburgh, U.S.A:

He is an Associate Professor and former chair of the Psychology Department at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA. He was raised and educated in Toronto, Canada. He received a Hons. B.A. in Political Science from the York University in 1979. He achieved his M.A. in Social & Political Thought at the York University 1981, his Ph.D. in 1985. He also receives a Ph.D. in Psychology at the York University in 1989. He is married with two children. He is the author of numerous books and journal articles on the history of psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis, including The Legacy of Erich Fromm, The Wing of Madness: The Life and Work of R.D. Laing, and Erik Erikson and the American Psyche: Ego, Ethics and Evolution.

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Daniel Burston: Two things, primarily. One was adolescent curiosity, another was my parent’s bookshelf, which contained volumes by Freud, Anna Freud, John Bowlby, Erich Fromm, Erik Erikson, etc. The fact that several of my parents’ friends were psychologists, psychiatrists or psychoanalysts who were also lively conversationalists probably had some impact as well. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Moritz Pohlmann from Freiburg, Germany:

Born in Freiburg-Germany. Studied psychology as main subjects Clinical Psychology and Social Psychology at the Universities of Fribourg and Bern. After his studies he received a psychodynamic training at the Heidelberg Institute for Psychotherapy. Since completion of the 18-month psychiatric psychosomatic activity at three clinics and change to the depth-psychological-analytical training at the Psychosomatic Hospital Freiburg he has worked since 2013 at the Sigma-clinic for acute psychiatry. Starting from July 2016 he will be working in an outreach clinic in Freiburg and in ambulant therapeutic practice. Pohlmann published texts for Aware and the Sigma Academy. In addition to his psychoanalytic training Pohlmann is currently attending a training course for qualifying as a boxing trainer.

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Moritz Pohlmann: The time that I spent with a man named Peter, had an important part in it. Peter was "resident" in a house in Ireland, where I spent a year after graduating taking care of formerly homeless people. With Peter, who had crashed after a breakup, I spent many hours discussing the trajectories of our own life, hopes, big issues, the little things and experiences of everyday life. Sometimes we were even silent and listened to the bubbling of the fish aquarium which stood in the corner. To experience the effect of shared closeness and reciprocal listening was for me then a beneficial-happy experience that also led me to the desire to study psychology. During this time, I also began reading intensively psychological writings, at first mainly of existential-oriented authors: Ernest Becker, Viktor Frankl, Irvin Yalom. Their basic idea that neurotic suffering is always also a struggle with fundamental questions of human existence under the conditions of the respective time and the individual history of the patients, has always appealed to me. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Katrin Hofer from Vienna, Austria:

Since 10/2015 in private practice, 1090 Wien
Since 10/2015 employment with the Association of Austrian psychotherapists
Since 10/2015 working on her PhD at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna with the working title "Träume in der Schwangerschaft - eine psychoanalytische Betrachtung der Bedeutung der Schwangerschaft für die Frau (dreams during pregnancy - a psychoanalytic consideration of the importance of pregnancy for women)"
2015 Magistra in Psychotherapy Sciences at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna with "Wünsche und Ängste in Träumen von Schwangeren. Versuch einer psychoanalytischen Interpretation (desires and fears in dreams of pregnant women. Attempt of a psychoanalytic interpretation)"
Since 06/2013 candidate
2012 Bakkalaurea in Psychotherapy Sciences at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna " Persönlichkeitsstörungen bei Jugendlichen und Kindern. Die Wichtigkeit des frühen Erkennens, um richtig zu intervenieren und die Problematik des Diagnostizierens (Personality disorders in adolescents and children. The importance of early recognition to intervene properly and the problem of diagnosing)"

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Katrin Hofer: At first it was simply a feeling. Through my studies of psychotherapy sciences, which I have also selected because I felt good about them, I was drawn increasingly towards psychoanalysis during the first semesters. I always thought that when I deal already with the psyche, than I should do it deeply. I want to get to the causes of a symptom and not only move the symptom. Understanding rather than explaining. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.
This week for the first time we have the great honor that an author decided to write a second time for us.
Therefore her Introduction is now slightly modified compared to the first time.
You, dear Reader, can read Julie Reshe´s first interview here and Julie Reshe´s first article can be found here!

We are very glad to welcome back Julie Reshe from Wyoming, Michigan:

She is a professor of philosophy at the Global Centre of Advanced Studies (United States), visiting professor at Alma Mater Europaea (Slovenia) and director of the Institute of Psychoanalysis and Neurophilosophy (GCAS). She teaches classes in neurophilosophy (with Catherine Malabou), psychoanalysis, the philosophy of motherhood (with Bracha L Ettinger and Katja Kolšek) and the philosophy of childhood. Reshe completed her PhD thesis under the supervision of Alenka Zupančič at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Reshe has written a number of book entries and academic articles published in top Russian- and English-language journals. She is also the author of more than 80 popular articles on philosophy, neurophilosophy and psychoanalysis.

Illuminating quotes:

"Freud´s thought is the most perennially open to revision...a thought in motion" (Lacan J., The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, p.1.)

Freud himself never claimed thought he express to be an established and proven doctrine. Freud´s theory is a collection of guesses and sketches, that require further research, improvements and confirmation (to what Freud always points himself). For example, from Freud’s biography it is known that, for example, his "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality," he rewrote and supplemented several times. For twenty years, while different versions of this work were published the changes made by Freud increased its size by half. In particular, the sections on infantile sexuality and pregenital development were added only nine years after the appearance of the first version of the work. In 1923, Freud himself confessed that in his research practice it often happened that what was old and what was more recent did not admit of being merged into an entirely uncontradictory whole, so he had to expose his thoughts to ruthless revision. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Tamara Trebes from Vienna, Austria:

Born 1987 in Germany, Upper Franconia.
Academic studies of Psychotherapy Science at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna since 2011.
09/2015 - 02/2016 Co-therapist of a child-obesity group for the project “Enorm in Form” (WGKK)
since 05/2015 psychotherapist in training under supervision with practical work at the Sigmund Freud University outpatient clinic and the Institute for Behavioral Addictions, led by Dr. Dominik Batthyány 
05/2015 Baccalaureate of psychotherapy science, SFU Vienna
Thesis title: “Death by Chocolate: Experimental hermeneutical reflection of the psychodynamics of bulimia nervosa using the Psycho-Text-Puzzle (P-T-P)”
since 10/2014 employment at the World Council for Psychotherapy
08/2014 Practical activities at Bayreuth Regional Hospital (D), Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy; social therapy acute ward A6
03/2014 - 07/2014 practical activities at Vienna General Hospital, psycho-oncology team
01/2014 - 07/2014 Research Assistant to Univ-Prof. Dr. Alexander Gaiger, Psycho-oncology basic diagnostics
05/2006 - 07/2006 Practical activity at Haus am Rosenberg, Residential Care, Supported Living, and Assisted Living: dormitory and external group homes for mentally ill persons, Kronach (D) >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Katja Kolšek from Ljubljana, Slovenia:

She is currently employed as the researcher at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). She has BA in Sinology (Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana) and PhD in Philosophy (Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana). She worked as a research fellow at the Institute of Philosophy SRC SASA in Ljubljana and the Theory department of the Jan van Eyck Academy. The post-academic institute for research and production in the fields of fine art, design, and theory. She has lectured on Introduction to Philosophy and Theory of Ideology at the Faculty of Humanities in University of Primorska in Koper. Her selected bibliography includes the monograph The Other of Democracy. The Concepts of Immanence and Otherness in Contemporary Theories of Democracy (Annales, Koper 2010), the article »The Parallax Object of Althusser´s Materialist Philosophy« in Encountering Althusser. Politics and Materialism in Contemporary Radical Thought, edited by Katja Diefenbach, Sara R. Farris, Gal Kirn and Peter Thomas (Bloomsbury Press, 2013), and »The Shift of the Gaze in Ĺ˝iĹžek´s Philosophical Writing« in Repeating Ĺ˝iĹžek, edited by Agon Hamza, Duke University Press, Durham and London, 2015. Her research areas are philosophy, psychoanalysis and modern and contemporary Chinese literature.

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Katja Kolšek: My first encounter with psychoanalysis was at the lectures of professor Mladen Dolar at the Department of Philosophy of Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenija. Of course, since Slavoj Ĺ˝iĹžek is a Slovene, I also grew up with some superficial knowledge of it, from my highschool years on. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Christfried Tögel from Lausanne, Switzerland:

-) Born September 4, 1953 in Leipzig; since 1978 married to Prof. Dr. Dr. Ginka Tögel; one daughter.
-) Publications on the History of Science and Philosophy of Science, publisher of several editions of Sigmund Freud letters and author of several books on dream research and the Freud-biographical (translated in eight languages)
-) After his studies of clinical psychology at the Humboldt University of Berlin and his professional activity as a psychotherapist at the Charité psychiatric clinic, he received his doctorate in 1981 with the theme "The Dream. Historical, philosophical and empirical aspects about "(Humboldt University Berlin) Dr. phil.
-) In 1988 he habilitated with the thesis „Philosophische, historische und wissenschaftstheoretische Aspekte der Entstehung, Entwicklung und Rezeption der klassischen Psychoanalyse” " (Humboldt University Berlin).
-) After several years at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia (Area Philosophy of Science and History of Science, most recently as Director of Research for the Institute of Philosophy) in 1989 Tögel went as a Humboldt-awardee to the Institute for History of Medicine in Tübingen (Director: Prof. Gerhard Fichtner), where he conducted research on the history of psychoanalysis and Freud-Biography.
-) He then supervised research projects for recording and digitizing the archives of the Freud museums in Vienna and London (1991 until 1994)
-) From 2000 to 2015, he directed the Sigmund Freud Centre in Uchtspringe / Magdeburg and was from 2003 to 2015 director of the SALUS-Institute (Magdeburg).
-) Between 1986 and 2015 he organized numerous exhibitions and conferences on "Freud" and "History of Psychoanalysis / Psychiatry".
-) Freud´s grandson Walter Freud said in 1999 about Christfried Tögel: "I do not know anybody who is better informed about the life of my grandfather, or who knows more about the Psychoanalytical development than he does. It is no exaggeration to say did he is a Freudian Encyclopaedia. "
-) Tögel was also committed with his friend Herbert Grönemeyer – who took over the patronage over the exhibition that was conceived by Tögel " Dämonen und Neuronen" the history of psychiatry - as part of an event series to eliminate prejudice against psychiatry.
-) For the ZDF series Giganten Tögel has scientifically overseen the film Sigmund Freud – Aufbruch in die Seele and accompanied the filming in London. The main role was played by Dietmar Schönherr.
-) Since 2015 Tögel lives in Lausanne in Switzerland.

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Christfried Tögel: I have a doctorate in dream research and one can not avoid Freud doing this. Furthermore, my father is psychotherapist, so that even as a child I repeatedly heard the name Freud and terms such as neurosis, repression, unconscious and resistance. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Gabriele Chorney from Rhode Island, U.S.A:

Doctor of Psychoanalysis: Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, 2013
Certified Psychoanalyst: Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, 2013
MA in Psychoanalysis: Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, 2001
BA  in Liberal Arts: Thomas A. Edison State College, 1999                               
Academic Honors:
2014 Gradiva Award Nominee - Student Paper
Professional experience:
Private Practice 2001 - present                                         
Advisor at Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, 2001 to present
Clinical Therapist (Doctoral Candidate)
BGSP -Therapy Center - (2001 -2009)
Master’s Thesis: The Meaning of Food, 2001
Doctoral Dissertation: Intervention as Transference – Countertransference Enactment, 2013

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Gabriele Chorney: Back in the 1990’s after having raised two children I was questioning what to do with the “rest of my life”.  My husband and I struggled with supervising our son who tampered with street drugs. In order to afford a meaningful intervention we decided to start family therapy; which acquainted me with my present day analyst. The rest is history. We saved our son and I followed in my analyst’s footsteps to study the very theory that she was applying to our well-being. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Bruno Benndorf Mangolini from São Paulo, Brazil:

2016/2017: Master´s degree in clinical psychology at the core of subjectivity (PUC-SP)
2013/2014: Post graduation in Health Management (UNIFESP)
2009/2011: Post graduation in Psychopathology & Public Health (USP) 
2003/2007: Graduate and bachelor´s degree in psychology (PUC- SP)
Spinoza Study Group (2010-2011)
Deleuze Study Group (2008-2010)
Lacan Study Group (2005-2009)
Professional experience:
Private office: conducts psychotherapeutic treatments in children, adolescents and adults (since 2011).
Public Health: seven years dedicated to public health, working in primary care and services for people with severe mental disorders (children and adults).
Clinic Maia - Brazilian System of Mental Health
Coordinator of the group of drug addicts and patients with mental disorders using psychodrama and operating group. Creation and implementation of the "Caring Project of caregivers, along with the nurses and staff of cleaning and maintenance. Supervision: Marcia Baptista and Antonio Lancetti - 880 hours
(08/2005 - 12/2007)
Languages:  Portuguese, English and Spanish.

2016/2017: Mestrando em Psicologia Clínica no núcleo de subjetividade (PUC-SP)
2013/2014: Especialista em Gestão em Saúde (UNIFESP)
2009/2011: Especialista em Psicopatologia e Saúde Pública (USP) 
2003/2007: Graduação e Bacharelado em Psicologia (PUC- SP)
Grupo de Estudo de Espinosa: participou de grupo de estudos baseado na obra de Baruch de Espinosa (2010-2011)
Grupo de Estudo de Deleuze: participou de grupo de estudos baseado na obra de Gilles Deleuze (2008-2010)
Grupo de Estudo de Lacan: participou de grupo de estudos baseado na obra de Jacques Lacan (2005-2009)
Experiência Profissional
Consultório particular: realiza tratamentos psicoterapêuticos com crianças, adolescentes e adultos (desde 2011).
Saúde Pública: sete anos dedicados à saúde pública, trabalhando em atenção primária e serviços para pessoas com transtornos mentais graves (adultos e crianças)
Clínica Maia (private Clinic)
Coordenador de grupos com dependents químicos e pacientes com transtornos mentais, utilizando psicodrama e grupos operacionais. Criação e implantação do projeto “Cuidando dos Cuidadores”, com enfermeiros e equipes de limpeza e manutenção. Supervisão: Marcia Baptista and Antonio Lancetti - 880 horas.
Línguas: Português, Inglês e Espanhol. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Thomas Heindl from Vienna, Austria:

He is a philosopher, filmmaker and TV-producer. Since 2013 he dedicates himself to philosophy and his studies at the University Vienna. He published numerous texts and essays in newspapers, magazines and on his blog www.interaktionstheorie.org. Heindl is the producer of several TV-Shows on German and Austrian broadcasting stations. His documentary series „Bohemian Life“, about the Vienna School of Fantastic Realism and its co-founder Ernst Fuchs, was published on the online art magazine spykeheels.com.

DWP: What led you to occupy yourself with psychoanalysis or with Freud and his achievements?

Thomas Heindl: I discovered Freuds Interpretaion of Dreams as a teenager on my parents´ bookshelf and read it. The person and the topic attracted me in an almost mystical way. Later, psychoanalysis became interesting to me in the context of interaction theory, which I am engaged with a lot, as well as Constructivism.

DWP: How did you come about the topic of your essay?

Thomas Heindl: The topic of Artificial Intelligence is socially and philosophically highly relevant. The mainly negative approaches which are spread through the media bother me. The actual topic resulted from my ambition to state a more positive point of view – the psychoanalytical connection came to me spontaneously during my writings.

DWP: Why would you like to have a psychoanalytic perspective or rather a psychoanalytic assessment regarding your essay from our readers?

Thomas Heindl: I am convinced, that psychoanalysis can have an important impact on a positive development of AI – this could prove to be crucial for a beneficial coexistence of mankind an AI. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Julie Reshe:

She is an outstanding young philosopher, intellectual and artist. She is presently a director of the Institute of Psychoanalysis (The Global Center for Advanced Studies). Drawing from philosophy, psychoanalysis, neuroscience and art, her multi-disciplinary approach is focused on issues of cultural posthumanism. Articulating the non-human, the trans-subjective and the modifiable, her critique disputes traditional ways of life. Her research interests include evolution of language and culture, education, childhood studies, gender and sexuality. Julie publishes regularly in both mainstream magazines and refereed academic journals. She holds M.A. degree in Philosophy from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Julie also studied cultural theory in National University of Kiev-Mohyla Academy. She received her doctoral degree in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis in Slovenia, where she studied under supervision of Alenka Zupančič at the Institute of Philosophy of the  Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Жюли Реше – незаурядный молодой философ, интеллектуал и фотограф. В настоящее время она является директором Института психоанализа Глобального центра передовых исследований. Исходя из философии, психоанализа, нейронауки и теории искусства, ее междисциплинарный подход сосредоточен на теме культурного постгуманизма. Артикулируя не-человеческое, транс-субъективное и модифицируемое, ее критика оспаривает традиционные способы жизни. Ее научные интересы включают эволюцию языка и культуры, теорию образования, а также исследования детства и сексуальности. Жюли регулярно публикуется как в публицистических, так и в научных изданиях. Она имеет степень магистра философии Киевского национального университет имени Тараса Шевченко. Жюли также изучала теорию культуры в Национальном университете "Киево-Могилянская академия" . Она получила докторскую степень в области философии и психоанализа в Словении, где она училась под руководством Аленки Зупанчич в Институте философии Словенской академии наук и искусств. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Sabine Schreckenthaler from Vienna, Austria:

Psychotherapist in training under supervision (psychoanalysis)
Psychotherapy scientists

In private practice at 1010 Vienna and 2412 Wolfsthal
Psychotherapeutic / Psychoanalytic work with children, adolescents, adults and families

Employed at Kinderhilfswerk since 2012
2012 Bachelor´s degree (Psychotherapy Sciences at the Sigmund Freud University):
"The importance of psychotherapeutic childrens games from a psychoanalytical and pedagogical point of view"

2015 Magistra degree (Psychotherapy Sciences at the Sigmund Freud University):
"Dreams of preschoolers - A qualitative, in-depth hermeneutical investigation according to a psychoanalytical viewpoints" >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Andre von Morisse from Oslo, Norway:

Born in 1966 and he came to America in 1978. In 1990, he graduated cum laude from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA and moved to New York in 1991. His works were featured in many group shows in galleries and museums in the US, and he had solo exhibitions with McKenzie Fine Art (2005 & 2003), and James Graham and Sons (2000, 1997) in New York, NY. Reviewed in the Art News (2007), Art in America (2005), New York Magazine (2003), Artnet (2000), and Review (1997), his art has also been often featured by Norway’s main dailies Aftenposten and VG, Kunst art magazine (2013), as well as Norwegian-American newspaper, Norway Times. Von Morisse’s paintings are held in prominent private and corporate collections in the US. Current exhibition: Pink Freud & The Pleasant Horizon (NY) >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Bruno Esposito from São Paulo, Brazil:

Training and professional experience:
Psychoanalyst at personal office (since 2011), working with child, young and adult patients, at São Paulo (Brazil).
Co-founder of Conexões Clínicas (www.conexoesclinicas.com.br), brazilian website about psychoanalysis and mental health.
Group psychologist at Projetos Terapêuticos (since 2014): Private mental health institution attending patients under psychosocial rehabilitation and its families.
CRIA/UNIFESP (since 2012): Psychologist at the Child and Young Reference Center of the Federal University of São Paulo (Brazil). Individual, family and group psychoterapist.
CAPS (from 2010 to 2012): Psychologist at a Psychosocial Attention Center (public service guided for severe mental disorders). Individual, Family and group psychoterapist.
Sedes Sapientiae Institut (from 2011 to 2015): Psychoanalysis Training.
DMPS/UNICAMP (from 2009 to 2010): Multidisciplinary Residence Program in “Mental Health and Collective Health” at State University of Campinas.
PUC/SP (from 2004 to 2008): graduation and Bachelor in psychology at Catholic University of São Paulo.

Experiência formativa e profissional:
Psicanalista em consultório particular (desde 2011), atendendo crianças, adolescentes e adultos na cidade de São Paulo (Brasil).
Co-fundador do Conexões Clínicas (www.conexoesclinicas.com.br), website brasileiro de psicanálise e saúde mental.
Projetos Terapêuticos (desde 2014): Psicólogo de grupo desta Instituição privada destinada ao atendimento de pacientes em reabilitação psicossocial e suas famílias.
CRIA/UNIFESP (desde 2012): Psicólogo do Centro de Referência da Infância e da Adolescência da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Terapeuta individual, de família e de grupo.
CAPS (de 2010 a 2012): Psicólogo de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (serviço público de atendimento a pacientes portadores de transtornos mentais graves). Terapeuta individual, de grupo, de família e acompanhante terapêutico.
Instituto Sedes Sapientiae (de 2011 a 2015): Formação em Psicanálise.
DMPS/UNICAMP (de 2009 a 2010): Residência multiprofissional em “Saúde Mental e Saúde Coletiva” no Departamento de Medicina Preventiva e Social da Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
PUC/SP (de 2004 a 2008): Graduação e bacharelado em Psicologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer from Vienna, Austria:

1950 Born as a child of Holocaust survivors.
1968 Matura and Bacchalauréat at Lycée Français de Vienne.
1968-71: University of Vienna (Psychology, Jewish Studies, Romance Studies)
1971-73: Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Psychology). Master of Arts (Hebrew University) and Magistra Phil. (University of Vienna).

Marked by the miracle of survival, Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer refutes the idea that something should be impossible and attempts to reconcile what appears as contradicting.

1971 Emigration to Israel; 1991 Return to Vienna.
1974-76 Training in Behavior Therapy (ÖGVT, Vienna)
1991-95: Psychoanalytic Training (WAP-Wiener Arbeitskreis für Psychoanalyse)
1970-90: Psychotherapy, child guidance, child and adult therapy, teaching and supervision (Hebrew University).
1992 Founding member of the Psychoanalytic Counseling Service of WAP in Vienna
1992-98: Founder and director of the Böhmer-Laufer Psychosocial Practicum at Maimonides Centre (BLPP/Seniors)
Since 2004: Founder and director of the Böhmer-Laufer peacecamp project (BLPP/Youth)
October 2013: Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Wolfgang Schmidbauer from Munich, Germany:

Born on May 15, 1941 in Munich, the second son of Edward Schmidbauer and Elisabeth Schmidbauer, nee Günther.
1944 bombed out, moved to Passau in Lower Bavaria.
Studies in psychology at the University of Munich from 1960 to 1966. As a student he also worked as a reporter and editor of a medical magazine (Selecta).
Afterwards PhD by Albert Görres in Munich with a scholarship of the Volkswagen Foundation about "Myth and psychology - Methodological problems identified at the Oedipus saga". Moved to Italy, working as a freelance writer. 1971 return to Germany. Founded a psychoanalytic institute in Munich in collaboration with Günter Ammon. At the end of 1972 separation from Ammon; Continue working with a group of doctors, psychologists and "laymen" in a newly designed psychoanalytic training with a strong accentuation of group and family therapy elements.
During this work two clubs emerged where Schmidbauer exerts various functions; He is currently Honorary Chairman of the Society for Analytical group dynamics, where group leaders, supervisors and family therapists are being trained and analyst trainer of the Munich Association of Psychoanalysis, which is by now recognized as a training institute for psychoanalysts of the German Society for Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and depth psychology. Since 1973, in addition to his Schmidbauer works as an individual and group therapist in private practice.
1976-1980 he has been a lecturer and examiner in the branch clinical psychology at the LMU Munich; 1986 visiting professor of Psychoanalysis at the University of Kassel.
In addition to specialized books, some of which have been bestsellers, Schmidbauer has written a number of short stories, novels and accounts of childhood and youth experiences. He is a columnist at the “ZEIT” magazine and a regular contributor to magazines and newspapers.

Several important titles:
Publishing house Rowohlt: Die hilflosen Helfer. Über die seelische Problematik der helfenden Berufe; Helfen als Beruf. Die Ware Nächstenliebe; Die Angst vor Nähe; Alles oder nichts. Über die Destruktivität von Idealen; Weniger ist manchmal mehr. Die Psychologie des Konsumverzichts; Eine Kindheit in Niederbayern; Ein Haus in der Toscana; Die Kentaurin. Erzählung
Publishing house Herder: Das Geheimnis der Zauberflöte; Dranbleiben. Die gelassene Art, Ziele zu erreichen; Lebensgefühl Angst; Drei Generationen – Psychogramm der Bundesrepublik
Publishing house DTV: Die einfachen Dinge; Persönlichkeit und Menschenführung.
Publishing house Gütersloher: Das Mobbing in der Liebe; Die psychologische Hintertreppe; Paartherapie – Konflikte verstehen, Lösungen finden. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Anna Schantl from Austria, Vienna:

Born in Leoben, more or less grew up in Rheingau and in Graz.
Studied Philosophy and German language and literature at the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz.
Since 2010 study of psychotherapy sciences at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna – specialist training in psychoanalysis. Psychotherapist in training under supervision since February 2015.
Works with patients at the Sigmund Freud University clinic.
Moderator of the psychoanalytic radio show ’Unbewusst – Die Lust am freien Sprechen’. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Sebastian Zimmermann from New York, U.S.A.:

Psychiatrist in private practice on New York City´s Upper West Side and an award winning photographer. After graduating from medical school at the Freie Universitaet in Berlin, he relocated to New York City. He trained at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan, where he completed a psychiatric residency and child & adolescent psychiatry fellowship. Dr Zimmermann´s book, "Fifty Shrinks" has been featured in numerous magazines and media outlets including The New York Times, The New York Post, Der Spiegel, Wiener Zeitung, Datum, Falter and Marie Claire, Taiwan. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Louisa Abramov from Vienna, Austria:

Degree in Business Administration at the Vienna University of Economics, degree in psychotherapy sciences at the Sigmund Freud University, training to be a psychoanalyst at the PSI Innsbruck, OPD-2 certification (Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostics). Psychoanalyst in private practice, CFO of Academy Löwengasse, Assistant at the Lighthouse - Association for people in need.

Магистр делового администрирования - Венский университет экономики, магистр научной психотерапии - университет Зигмунд Фрейд, психоаналитик - ПСИ Инсбрук, ОПД-2 сертификация (оперативная психодинамическая диагностика). Психоаналитик в частной практике, финансовый директор Академии Лёвенгассэ, сотрудник Лайтхаус Вена - организация для людей, нуждающихся в помощи. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Michael Wilim from Austria, Vienna:

2015 Bachelor degree in psychotherapy sciences with emphasis on psychoanalysis at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna

Professional experience:

Privat practice since 2014
Practical work as a psychoanalyst at the Sigmund Freud ambulance Vienna (since 2015)
Practical work in the psychiatric field in the Vienna General Hospital “AKH” (2014)
Practical work with the elderly in the state nursing home “Landespflegeheim Berndorf” (2013)
Practical work with drug addicts in drug treatment institution "Zukunftsschmiede" (2009)

Psychoanalysis at Mag. Luger (since 2012) >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Tomás Moraes Abreu Bonomi:

2013/2015: Master´s degree in clinical psychology at the core of psychoanalysis. PUC-SP, Brazil
2005/2009: Graduate and bachelor´s degree in psychology from PUC- SP, Brazil
Publications: BONOMI, T; LOTUFO, F. Psychopathology at the comics books. Psychiatry journal Clinical V. 37 N. (6): 291-295 . 2010 .
Professional experience:
Private office: Conducts psychoanalytical private care in children, adolescents and adults. (since 2011)
The House Institute: Part of a team of therapeutic companions and clinical care givers. (Since 2011)
Community IPÊ: Institution of hospital specializing in addiction.
On call duty for 24 hours weekly and responsible psychologist. (02-05 of 2011)
Le Courtil : Institution in Belgium that welcomes children and psychotic adolescents.
Participated in the general framework proposed by the clinic that includes therapeutic groups, individual activities, therapeutic monitoring, clinical conferences and theoretical seminars psychoanalytic . Weekly supervision by Philippe Bouillot ( 05-09 , 2010)
DERDIC- Division rehabilitation education and communication disorders
Children attended and participated in seminars and discussions on the clinical symptoms of children with speech and language disorders with the supervisor Sandra Pavone (02-11, 2009)
Clinic Maia - Brazilian System of Mental Health
Coordinator of the group of drug addicts and patients with mental disorders using psychodrama and operating group. Creation and implementation of the "Caring” Project of caregivers, along with the nurses and staff of cleaning and maintenance. Supervision: Marcia Baptista and Antonio Lancetti - 880 hours (10/2005 - 12/2007 )
Lacan Study Group
Freud Study Group
Analytic psychoterapy with André Pinheiro (2002-2008) – Once a week
Psychoanalysis with Beatriz Oliveira (2009) -  twice a week.
Psychoanalysis with Luiz Carlos Menezes (2011-2014) – twice a week.
Languages: Portuguese, English and French.

2013/2015: Mestrado em psicologia clínica no núcleo de psicanálise. PUC-Sao Paulo
2005/2009: Graduação e bacharelado em psicologia pela PUC-Sao Paulo
Publicações: BONOMI, T; LOTUFO, F. Psicopatologia nas Histórias em Quadrinhas. Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica V. 37 N. (6): 291-295. 2010. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Severo Orsi and Désirée Prosquill:

Severo Orsi. Born in July 1975, studied psychology at the University of Vienna, with emphasis on Clinical Psychology. After post-graduate training for clinical and health psychologist, he worked in private practice with a focus on sexual disorders; he has taught psychology in a school for nurses and supervised, as part of the acute psychosocial teams, people immediately after a traumatic experience. Furthermore, he has worked over 13 years in law enforcement activities as a psychiatrist for mentally ill prisoners.

Désirée Prosquill. Born and raised in Vienna, Austria, studied human medicine (Medical University of Vienna), studies of psychotherapy (Sigmund Freud University Vienna), education completed at the University Hospital of Psychiatry Vienna, at Maßnahmenvollzug (Forensic Psychiatry), and at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Vienna, SFU/PSI, now working as a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine, as well as a psychoanalyst in her own practice. Editor from THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST; co-initiator of the psychoanalytic radio show UNBEWUSST – die Lust am freien Sprechen. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Sonja Lienhart:

Born 1988, studied medicine at the Universities of Freiburg and Vienna. Student assistant, among others in the child and adolescent psychiatry department of the University Hospital in Freiburg (till 2013) and at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society (since 2015). Ph.D. on "The religious understanding of Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung in presentation and comparison". She is a fellow of Cusanuswerk. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson:

Well, I was born in 1941 in Chicago, USA.  I taught Sanskrit for many years at different universities (UC Berkeley, U of Toronto), and trained as a psychoanalyst in Toronto in 1971 and graduated as a full member of the International Psycho-Analytical Association in 1979.  I was briefly Projects Director of the Sigmund Freud Archives.  I was fired in 1981 and my membership in the International Psycho-Analytical Association was taken away.  I published the Assault on Truth:  Freud´s Repression of the Seduction Theory in 1984, and the Freud-Fliess Letters in 1985.  Since then I have published some 27 books some about psychiatry, some about animals, and some about other topics.  I am married to a German pediatrician, and have one daughter from a former marriage who lives in California as a Nurse-Practitioner, and two boys with Leila Masson, Ilan, 18, at the University of Melbourne, and Manu, 13, living with us in Berlin.  We will move to Sydney, Australia, in January, 2016.  I am now writing a novel about the Holocaust, called, tentative, Evian, 1938.  It takes place in Vienna, Geneva, Berlin, Malaga, and Evian. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Jeanne Wolff Bernstein:

She is a practicing psychoanalyst in Vienna. Previously, she was President and training analyst in San Francisco / Berkeley, California on Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California, (PINC). In 1985, she earned her doctorate in clinical psychology at The Wright Institute, Berkeley, California and wrote her doctoral thesis on the work of Edouard Manet. She taught at various universities and psychoanalytic institutes in Berkeley and San Francisco, where she worked in private practice as a psychoanalyst. In 2008 she was the Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna. During this time in Vienna, Jeanne Wolff Bernstein gave a lecture at the Academy of Fine Arts of the work of Eva Hesse and wrote her Fulbright lecture on Freud´s access to the modern art. In 2009, she was the scientific advisor for the art exhibition Eros and Thanatos in the Sigmund Freud and Liechtenstein Museum. Since 2010, Jeanne Wolff Bernstein lives and works in Vienna. She teaches and supervised at the Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, and since 2014 is the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Sigmund Freud Foundation and Museum, Vienna. She regularly participates at discussions over the Film Noir series at the Sigmund Freud Museum. Latter publications include;
Unlocking Diane Arbus, Studies in Gender and Sexuality,  2007,Vol.8, #4, pp.33-336
In Search of her Own Language: Eva Hesse Show, SFMOMA Museum, Studies in Gender and Sexuality, Vol. 6, #4, 2002, pp. 345-368.
Beyond the Bedrock in Good Enough Endings, (2010) ed. by Jill Salberg, Routledge Press and The space of transition between Winnicott and Lacan in Between Winnicott and Lacan, (2011) ed. by Lewis Kirshner, Routledge Press. She wrote the chapter on Jacques Lacan, to the (2012) Textbook of Psychoanalysis, Second Edition, edited by Glen Gabbard, Bonnie E. Litowitz & Paul Williams, American Psychiatric Publishing and a recension about Danielle Knafo’s book, Alone Together: Solitude and the creative encounter in art and psychoanalysis., Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2012.
Tattoos/hysteria, Body Image and Identity in Contemporary Societies, (2015) Routledge. Introduction to Narcissus in Mourning, by Paul Verhaege, (2015) by Thuria and Kant. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Juan José Rios:

Born in Perú, Studies: theology and pedagogy, hypnotherapy training: Austrian Society for applied depth psychology and general psychotherapy (Ögatap), Sex Therapy: Institute Ziss Zurich, Studied psychoanalysis at the Sigmund Freud University (SFU), EMDR (trauma treatment): EMDR Institute Austria, Psychotherapy Science: Sigmund Freud University (SFU), Eating Disorder: Sowhat Medical Institute for People with eating disorder Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Ost ("Psychosomatic Med Ambulance 2 Dept. SMZO-Donauspital"): Between August 2000 and February 2002 (Internship) Individual and group treatment of depressive, neurotic anxiety, personality disorders Addictions, psychosomatic, chronic pain and severity of psychiatric disorders as well as disturbances in the field of gastroenterology, psycho-oncology. Private practice since 2000 >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Sudhir Kakar:

Psychoanalyst, novelist, and a scholar in the fields of cultural psychology and the psychology of religion. He has been Lecturer at Harvard University, Senior Fellow at the Centre for Study of World Religions at Harvard, as also Visiting Professor at the universities of Chicago, McGill, Melbourne and Hawaii. He was also a Fellow at the Institutes of Advanced Study, Princeton, Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin and Fellow at Centre for Advanced Study in Humanities at University of Cologne.
His many honors include the Kardiner Award of Columbia University, Boyer Prize for Psychological Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association, Germany’s Goethe Medal, Rockefeller Residency, McArthur Fellowship, and the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. He is the president of the Delhi chapter of Indian Psychoanalytic Society and on the Board of the Freud Archives, Library of Congress.
Kakar is the author of eighteen books of non-fiction and five of fiction. His latest book is Young Tagore: The makings of a genius (Penguin-Viking, 2013). His books have been translated into twenty-two languages around the world. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Ángel Daniel Fernández:

Born 1970 in Argentina. Lives with his wife in Rosario, province of Santa Fe. Psychoanalyst, psychologist (UNR), professor of psychology at the Universidad Nacional Rosario. Lectures on Psychoanalysis, his interest has always been the teaching of psychoanalysis over the spoken word, whether in conversation, conferences, courses.

Nato 1970, Argentina, Rosario, Psicoanalista, Psicólogo (UNR), Docente de la Facultad de psicología perteneciente a la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos de la Cátedra “Discursos Psicológicos Contemporáneos”, Presidente y Director de enseñanza de La Biblioteca (Archivo, Investigación y Docencia), Conferencista, Ensayista, Dictante del Curso Anual de Psicoanálisis de La Biblioteca (Archivo, Investigación y Docencia). >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Brigitte Boothe:

Prof.em.Dr.phil., Psychoanalyst (formerly DPG, DGPT), Psychotherapist FSP

Professor emeritus (since 1.2.2013) of Clinical Psychology at the University of Zurich, Department of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis.
By 2013, Head of the psychotherapeutic psychoanalytic praxis at the psychotherapeutic center of the University of Zurich.
By 2015, Head of postgraduate education Master of Advanced Studies in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of the University of Zurich.
By 2012, Director of the Interdisciplinary Psychoanalytic Forum of the University of Zurich and the ETH.
Since 2013 Psychoanalyst and Psychotherapist in the group practice "Psychotherapie Bellevue".

Scientific interests:
Theory and empirical research of desire
Theory and practice of oral storytelling in psychotherapy and everyday life as well as the biographical and literary writing (continuous lectures and seminars)

Selected book publication:
Boothe, B. (Hrsg.) (2013). Wenn doch nur - ach hätte ich bloss. Die Anatomie des Wunsches. Zurich: Rüffer&Rub. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Karl Golling:

Born 1951 in Gars am Kamp, Lower Austria. Long stays in Asia, Australia and Africa as a child.
After the Psychology - Philosophy degree (Dissertation about ´Arbeiterbewußtsein in Tirol´) in Innsbruck, long internship at the Binswanger clinic (Switzerland), Training as a psychoanalyst in New York.
Returned to Austria 1992, then studied at the Tavistock Institute in London. Since then, (mainly self-employed) active as an organization developer, psychoanalyst and university lecturer in Vienna. Study of the psychotherapy science (Dissertation about ´Neue Wege des Erlernen der Sprache der Psychoanalyse´) in Vienna. Currently: Head of  the Departement of Psychoanalysis at the Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Malte Tellerup:

Born 1989, Masters Student in Comparative Literature from University of Copenhagen and New School of Social Research currently working on my thesis about animal desire and desiring the animal. I have earlier written an article about and translated unpublished notes by performance artist Rudolf Schwarzkogler and have edited the literary journal TRAPPE TUSIND for several years. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Alfred Pritz:

Born October 31, 1952 in St. Lorenzen near Scheifling in Styria, Austria.
Studies in psychology, psychopathology and pedagogy in Salzburg.
Full professor and rector at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna.
Secretary General of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP);
President of the World Council for Psychotherapy;
Author and editor of 20 books of psychotherapy, such as dictionary of psychotherapy, Springer, 2000, Globalized Psychotherapy, Facultas., 2002; Intoxication without drugs, Springer, 2009, etc. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Dragica Stojković:

born in 1988, has studied psychology and comparative literature at the University of Zurich and has completed her PhD on suicide notes. She is a practicing psychoanalyst and does her training at the Freud-Institut Zürich. She contributed to various editorial boards (aware, delirium, Journal für Psychoanalyse, Psychoscope), numerous publications and she is the editor of the internal magazine of the Lacan-Seminar-Zürich, called “che vuoi?” Research interests: Suicide notes; structure, process, and function of wish(ing) and dream(ing); theory of language, rhetoric and poetology. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Nassim Agdari-Moghadam:

Born in Tehran, raised in Vienna, study of European economic and corporate governance, study of psychotherapy science. Psychoanalyst in private practice and at the outpatient clinic for children and adolescents psychotherapy of Sigmund Freud University in cooperation with the Vienna Health Insurance. Publications and lectures on compulsive hoarding. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Michaela Heger:

Born in Vienna in 1979, completed her studies at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna, as well as in the Psychoanalytic Seminar Innsbruck. She works in private practice, at the outpatient clinic for children and adolescent psychotherapy of the Vienna Health Insurance and as an consultant psychotherapist in the orthopedic hospital in Gersthof, Vienna. >> continue




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Thomas Aichhorn:

Psychoanalyst in private practice; Member of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, the International Psychoanalytic Association and of the “Société Européenne pour la Psychanalyse de l´Enfant et Psychanalyse de l´Adolescent”, Paris.
Archivist of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society and Vice-Chairman of the "Archives of the History of Psychoanalysis".
Publications and lectures on the theory and history of psychoanalysis, the "theory of the general seduction" by Jean Laplanche, adolescent psychoanalysis and on the biography and work of August Aichhorn. Editor of the correspondence Anna Freud - August Aichhorn. >> continue

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