09/10/2024, 23:27, Vienna  DEUTSCH / ENGLISH

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Leading articles

THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST wants to give not only already internationally established psychoanalysts, but also still unknown psychoanalysts the opportunity to post a self-written and not yet published article on the FrontPage of our online magazine!

Our Users then can leave comments, ask questions or discuss the articles in our forum. Our aim is to provide an international platform where for the first time anyone interested in psychoanalysis can exchange ideas on certain topics.
Articles are welcome in German and/ or English.

If you are interested, please send your article to

(For reasons of readability, the male form is used with personal names, however the female form is also always intended.)




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Arjet Pervizi from Shkodër, Albania:

He studied clinical psychology at the university “Luigj Gurakuqi” of Shkodra. During his time there, he was one of the best students who pursuedevery psychology training in Albania. He was part of two psychoanalytic trainings led by Sergio Correto and Myriam Mieltman. He also worked in some professional practices at various clinics in Shkodra and practiced at the Public Community Center for a year. Additionally, he attended a training at the Children’s Center “Hope for the Future”.

He has published some research papers around the world on various topics such as:
“The distribution of the phenomenon of bullying in adolescents 13-16 years old in the city of Shkodra”
“The Interplay between Cyberbullying, Self-esteem and Empathy”
“Messages with sexual content on young Shkodran people; Measuring sending messages with sexual content in relation to sexting attitudes, subjective norms, intention and self esteem.”

He is also known for his activism concerning young adults. He was ranked among the ten most active young adults for three years in a row.  His activism was also part of the public debate - Newspapers, magazines and television stations in the country informed and sensitized the community about these social issues.
At the moment he is a project leader and  promotes scientific research to students and recent graduates. Currently he works at the clinic “Towards the Future” as a psychologist.


DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Arjet Pervizi: It was Freud’s question “Where does a thought go when it’s forgotten?” that encouraged me to learn more about psychoanalysis than other psychological schools.

DWP: If you had the opportunity to talk to Sigmund Freud, what would be the topic?
Are there any specific questions?

Arjet Pervizi: If I had the opportunity to talk to Freud, the topic would focus on the human unconscious. I would like to ask Freud about the cause for his behavior with his students. Why was it  unacceptable for his students to be different and to have different opinions?

DWP: Fabric or leather couch?

Arjet Pervizi: The leather couch is very beautiful, but it looks uncomfortable to  me and my clients. I would prefer the fabric couch.

DWP: Bruno Bettelheim pointed out the importance of fairy tales in childhood. Will you tell us your favorite fairy tale? And do you see parallels with  your own adult life?

Arjet Pervizi: Absolutely yes. I see a direct impact on the formation of my personality. I remember very well when my grandfather told me fairy tales. Among the favorites was the fairy tale with a dragon who threatened the city and ate a man every day. One day, a young boy decides to put himself in danger and fight with the dragon. After many days of fighting, he was able to kill it and save the city. Later, I realized that in cases of a risk, I often find myself to be the first to take action in an effort to cope with the situation. I even think one of the triggers  was  the reading of this fairy tale by my grandfather.

DWP: I dream, ...

Arjet Pervizi: I dream of working at a clinic where I can treat my patients with Freudian psychoanalysis. I want to study Freud´s writings and to continue contributing to psychoanalysis by studying human consciousness, morals, interpersonal relationships, ect. I wish to continue my contribution by carrying on Freud´s study of the stages of development. I dream of having my own psychoanalysis course one day and also to teach the psychoanalysis lessons at universities.

DWP: What do you find good or particularly good about psychoanalysis and is there anything you do not like about it?

Arjet Pervizi: What is very helpful in psychoanalysis is the extensive analysis of clinical cases. No matter what treatment you choose to apply, it is inevitable to use Freudian psychoanalysis in case analysis. What I do not like or think was  not intended is the treatment of the concept of God in Freud´s writings. What in my opinion was not intended is to measure the perception of people of  the image of God according to the facts regarding his real existence. I think how Freud treated the concept of God is nothing more than a flawed perception of the people about God’s image . The facts with which Freud tries to confirm or deny the existence of God go no further than to analyze  the perception of God´s images by  people over the centuries.

DWP: What challenges did you have to face during your analytic training?

Arjet Pervizi: During training, psychoanalysis enables you to recognize and discover yourself. The challenges I faced were those battles when psychoanalysis invited me to discover more about my personality and the aspects  that have influenced its development. I discovered what contributed to building the person I am today and learned how to make peace with my inner conflicts whenever they seek to fight.

One of the most challenging aspects has been learning to read between the lines and to calculate the small details of the day. This has developed my ability to analyze my actions and understand their causes and motives. By doing so, I feel like I can control myself better and maintain a balance between id and superego.

DWP: Do you have a favorite Freud - quote?

Arjet Pervizi: "Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise."

Thank you very much for this conversation, we are already looking forward to your leading article!

Contact information of the author:
Arjet Pervizi

Sigmund Freud Museum SFU Belvedere 21er haus stuhleck kunsthalle
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