10/04/2024, 16:01, Vienna  DEUTSCH / ENGLISH

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Leading articles

THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST wants to give not only already internationally established psychoanalysts, but also still unknown psychoanalysts the opportunity to post a self-written and not yet published article on the FrontPage of our online magazine!

Our Users then can leave comments, ask questions or discuss the articles in our forum. Our aim is to provide an international platform where for the first time anyone interested in psychoanalysis can exchange ideas on certain topics.
Articles are welcome in German and/ or English.

If you are interested, please send your article to

(For reasons of readability, the male form is used with personal names, however the female form is also always intended.)




In our interview series "in conversation with“, we will briefly present the authors of the leading articles. We want to give our users the opportunity to read the leading article from a different point of view.

This week we are very glad to welcome Anna Schantl from Austria, Vienna:

Born in Leoben, more or less grew up in Rheingau and in Graz.
Studied Philosophy and German language and literature at the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz.
Since 2010 study of psychotherapy sciences at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna – specialist training in psychoanalysis. Psychotherapist in training under supervision since February 2015.
Works with patients at the Sigmund Freud University clinic.
Moderator of the psychoanalytic radio show ’Unbewusst – Die Lust am freien Sprechen’.

DWP: What brought you to psychoanalysis?

Anna Schantl: As a child, I replied once to my parents `I want to do a psychoanalysis´! To this day it´s a mystery to me how and why I came up with this request. I probably was kind of associating it with a promise (of luck?).
Well. Later, when I decided to study at the Sigmund Freud University, during my propadeutic training I got to know many methods in this context, and it became quickly clear to me that the psychoanalysis was it, for me. The psychoanalytic self experience group fascinated me. And not to forget: an introduction course in Freud´s thinking - held by Felix De Mendelssohn. There, next to the fascination, was the clear desire to `go on this trip´!

DWP: If you had the opportunity to talk with Sigmund Freud, what would be the topic?
Are there any specific questions?

Anna Schantl: I would ask him about his self-analysis and how satisfied he was with it. In addition, I would like to talk with him about the studies on hysteria. The case histories seem partly like Hollywood Success cures; unrealisticly oversubscribed. The entire presentation of hysteria by Freud is not entirely clear to me.

DWP: Fabric or leather couch?

Anna Schantl: Leather.

DWP: According to Bruno Bettelheim and the importance of fairy tales in childhood. Will you tell us your favorite fairy tale? And do you see parallels to your own adult life?

Anna Schantl: The Emperor´s New Clothes. I think the simplicity in the wisdom (or vice versa) of the child is great.

DWP: I dream,….

Anna Schantl: More at night than during the day.

DWP: What do you find good or particularly good in psychoanalysis and is there anything you do not like about it?

Anna Schantl: There are, no matter what things one likes ´better´ and things one doesn’t like. The question turns out difficult as it assumes that psychoanalysis is completely one thing. There are writers who I appreciate more than others, there are questions and there are also criticisms. It is important in my view that psychoanalysis as such, deals with contemporary, current issues, especially since today things are different than in Freud´s time. But that´s clear.

DWP: What challenges did you have to face during your analytic training?

Anna Schantl: I´m still in psychoanalytic training. This means, I find myself in psychoanalysis and have been working for a few months training under supervision with patients.

There are enough challenges - luckily. I think, it is a brave move to start the training to be a psychoanalyst. This already starts with finding and contacting an established analyst.

I think, the biggest challenge was when I had finally my first setting with a patient. The expectation on the side of the analyst, increased my own expectation in myself once more.

DWP: Do you have a favorite Freud - quote?

Anna Schantl: "Humans are still the most valuable thing one can gain."

DWP:  Are there other psychoanalysts, in addition to Sigmund Freud, who you like to study?

Anna Schantl: But of course! From the object relations theory I like to read Donald Winnicott, also of course Madame Klein, Hanna Segal also writes pleasingly. I won’t agree that it is impossible to understand Lacan during the Reading. And when I am unsure I like to reach for Bruce Fink, a great writer and the, so to speak, ´Lacan instructor´.
Also lately, I am happily occupying myself with the so called ´forgotten´, namely Otto Rank.

Thank you very much for this conversation, we are already looking forward to your leading article!

Contact information of the author:
Anna Schantl

Sigmund Freud Museum SFU Belvedere 21er haus stuhleck kunsthalle
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