02/16/2025, 23:00, Vienna  DEUTSCH / ENGLISH

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THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST wants to give not only already internationally established psychoanalysts, but also still unknown psychoanalysts the opportunity to post a self-written and not yet published article on the FrontPage of our online magazine!

Our Users then can leave comments, ask questions or discuss the articles in our forum. Our aim is to provide an international platform where for the first time anyone interested in psychoanalysis can exchange ideas on certain topics.
Articles are welcome in German and/ or English.

If you are interested, please send your article to

(For reasons of readability, the male form is used with personal names, however the female form is also always intended.)

Book reviews II

Author: DWP


Dear Readers!

We continue to grow!
Starting today Sabine Schreckenthaler will enrich our team in the feuilleton.
Her focus will be to write book reviews in the area of child and adolescent psychoanalysis.

Welcome aboard!

Sabine Schreckenthaler from Vienna, Austria.
Psychotherapist in training under supervision (psychoanalysis)
Psychotherapy scientists
In private practice at 1010 Vienna and 2412 Wolfsthal
Psychotherapeutic / Psychoanalytic work with children, adolescents, adults and families
Employed at Kinderhilfswerk since 2012
2012 "Bachelor´s degree" (Psychotherapy Sciences at the Sigmund Freud University):
"The importance of psychotherapeutic childrens games from a psychoanalytical and pedagogical point of view"
2015 Magistra degree (Psychotherapy Sciences at the Sigmund Freud University):
"Dreams of preschoolers - A qualitative, in-depth hermeneutical investigation according to a psychoanalytical viewpoints"


DWP: Dear Mag. Schreckenthaler, in the future you will write in the column "Feuilleton" about selected psychoanalytic books as a critic for our readers.
What can our readers expect?

Sabine Schreckenthaler: I will review books and journals in the field of psychoanalytic infant, child and adolescent psychotherapy.

I want to give the readers a short substantive overview with the reviews and share some thoughts about it. Also, I´ll try to put the reviews in a contextual background.

DWP: Can you already provide us with an insight and can you tell us briefly what specific criteria you will use to filter the books that you will discuss?

Sabine Schreckenthaler: I´ll try to discuss new releases, but also books that have been written some time ago. The only limitation at the moment is that only those books or article with infant, child and adolescent psychotherapy will be chosen. The rest will take care of itself - I will try to offer a interesting and wide variety on this great topic.

DWP: In which language(s) will our readers be able to enjoy your reviews?

Sabine Schreckenthaler: I will write the reviews in German.

DWP: What are your personal motives to write as a reviewer for the readers of THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST?

Sabine Schreckenthaler: Since one of my work focuses is on the psychoanalytic child and adolescent psychotherapy, I deal a lot with the literature. Through the writing of reviews it is possible for me to reflect further on the text, the content and the context and to do so in writing. In this way I can familiarize myself with more well-known texts again and work through them and as such I dare to also approach new topics.

Thanks to reviews the readers may be able to decide whether they want to buy a particular book and read it or if the content is not what they want and/or does not suit their interests.

Reading and writing are also two things that I really like to do.

DWP: Can you tell us your three most favorite psychoanalytic books and why you like them especially?

Sabine Schreckenthaler: That is a difficult question, because I always find new and fascinating texts. My current choice would be:

"Sämtliche Schriften" - Sabina Spielrein

"Playing and Reality" - Donald W. Winnicott

These two books significantly influenced my last scientific work. I also like Freud´s letters to Wilhelm Fliess, on which I work on with a literary group in the Freud Museum. Reading Freud in the premises where he lived is something extraordinary.

DWP: Do you want to add anything else?

Lea Dohm: Thank you for the inclusion in the feuilleton team! I am looking forward to this new activity and hope to be able to provide interesting articles.

Contact information:
Sabine Schreckenthaler

Sigmund Freud Museum SFU Belvedere 21er haus stuhleck kunsthalle
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