02/16/2025, 22:15, Vienna  DEUTSCH / ENGLISH

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Leading articles

THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST wants to give not only already internationally established psychoanalysts, but also still unknown psychoanalysts the opportunity to post a self-written and not yet published article on the FrontPage of our online magazine!

Our Users then can leave comments, ask questions or discuss the articles in our forum. Our aim is to provide an international platform where for the first time anyone interested in psychoanalysis can exchange ideas on certain topics.
Articles are welcome in German and/ or English.

If you are interested, please send your article to

(For reasons of readability, the male form is used with personal names, however the female form is also always intended.)


Author: DWP


Dear Users!

Christmas and the end of the year are near.

Time to pause and so it is a good opportunity to thank you, our dear Users, for your interest in our online magazine and for your numerous feedbacks.
Today, we use the end of the year to respond to your most frequently asked questions.


Why is the magazine named THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST?

The online magazine THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST attempts to create a context between the great psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud and the city Vienna in which the Psychoanalysis was born.
THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST can, of course, be personalized, but it would be better figuratively, it should be understood as a messenger or courier for international psychoanalytic contributions directly from Vienna.

Why are the forum and the leading articles not freely accessible?

One must distinguish carefully:
A lot of contents in our column “leading article” are and will remain freely available. But the specialist articles and the forum will continue to have restricted access.

The reasons for this are simple:
We are a specialist magazine; as such it is one of our goals to attract skilled enthusiasts and not just “passersby’s". In addition, several specialist articles, when read by lay people, are often disturbing and irritating and thus are better not freely accessible.
At the forum, it is also about to reach maximum interested in order to better ensure an exchange on a high academic level.

Why Euro 10.- or five email addresses?

Everyone of our specialist articles is for itself a treasure, which is certainly worth more than the EUR 10.- that are only to be paid once.
However, it is one of our main objectives to create an international platform for ALL interested in psychoanalysis. As we know, the value of money is different in any country, so we decided on a rather small amount or the option to help us spreading the magazine via email recommendations.
This way we can offer all interested in psychoanalysis a chance to participate.

What happens to the specified email addresses?

These five specified email addresses get an automatic email that invites the receivers to take a look at our online magazine.

How far has THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST already spread?

Since the first November 2014, www.theviennapsychoanalyst.at  was visited 18.547 times by users of 76 countries. (Google Analytics)

What about the radio broadcast?

Information will soon be available about it.

How much does it cost to post an event on your homepage?

The calendar is of course for free.

How can I post a psychoanalytical archive?

Simply, send an email with the link to archives@theviennapsychoanalyst.at.
We explicitly invite all psychoanalytic archives, to let us post their link, to facilitate scientific discourse.

What are the aims or what does THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST hope to achieve?

Please read our first leading article "Welcome" .

Is THE VIENNA PSYCHOANALYST a free and independent online magazine?

Yes! We are proud to offer a completely free, autonomous, psychoanalytic online magazine that is beholden to no one. It is a matter of high priority for us to create an international platform directly from VIENNA, where ALL interested in Psychoanalysis are able to inform themselves and to shape it.

A beautiful and peaceful pre-Christmas period

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